Secular scientists are finding exactly what Flood geologists have predicted all along—huge crystals can and did grow extremely fast. In other words,...
A pair of new studies found that some dinosaurs, and possibly some marine reptiles, laid squishy eggs. One study discovered that many dinosaurs, like turtles...
We’re all walking through a revolutionary and uncertain time. For us here at ICR, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused swift changes to our daily operations...
On Sunday, March 29, President Trump ordered the social distancing measures to stay in place until April 30. But does social distancing have to mean social...
It has traditionally been thought in biology that invertebrates were somehow simple and less complex than vertebrates. But in past decades, this has...
Did you know that about 50% of the oxygen in the air you breathe comes from plankton in our oceans? Specifically, microplankton is made up of tiny organisms...