More Earth Was Created for Life
Earth's Atmosphere Is Vital to Life
There are countless interconnected, precise, and non-coincidental features of Earth that directly contribute to our planet’s ability to sustain life....
Mars Rover Records Dramatic Solar Eclipse
NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover has filmed the Martian satellite (or moon) Phobos eclipsing the sun, and this short but impressive video may be viewed...
Record-Breaking Mouse, Higher Than Any Mammal
Recently, researchers have reported on the world’s “highest-dwelling mammal,” the yellow-rumped leaf-eared mouse, observed upon a dormant...
More Problems with Evolution
Babies Are Born Ready to Read
Dogs don’t read the words on a page. Neither did Coco, the famous gorilla that learned to communicate using simple hand signs. So what affords humans...
A Strange and Mysterious Hypercarnivore Discovered
In 1988 a fossil jaw was discovered by paleontologists in San Diego County, California. Decades later the scientists determined it belonged to a relatively...
Asteroid or Adam?
“Were it not for the asteroid, humans would never have evolved,” said Ian Miller, curator of paleobotany and director of earth and space sciences...
More Zoology
Nose-Horned Lizard: Extinct, or Hiding for 129 Years?
Did Modigliani’s striking lizard—a variety of Agamidae “dragon lizard”—go extinct, or has it just been hiding in Indonesia...
Invasion of the Giant Lizards
We are already contending with the COVID-19 virus and the recent spate of murder hornets in the Pacific Northwest, but now sobering news coming out of...
Spinosaurus Swam! How a Swimming Spinosaurus Fits Scripture
Spinosaurus aegyptiacus had a longer body than the enormous T. rex. In Nature journal, researchers published a new reconstruction of the extinct reptile’s...
More Environment and Ecology
Seals Help Swedes to Chart ’Paths of the Seas’
Swedish researchers have recently reported some newly documented “paths of the seas”1,2 thanks to some helpful (and high-tech) Weddell...
Big-Picture Balancing Is Needed, Even During Crisis
Recent public health-related developments in America1-3 and in other countries1,4,5,6 have illustrated the need for balance in governmental...
Plethora of Life Found On Sea Turtle Shells
An amazing abundance of life can be found in the strangest places—such as the backs of turtles. It was previously known that an array of life was...
More God's Design Is an Engineering Wonder
RNA Hoops: When Circular Reasoning Makes Sense
If the regulatory picture of the genome were not complicated enough, over the past decade scientists have discovered another level of Darwinian-defying...
"Simple Yet Elegant" Design in Fruit Flies
Graduate student Shiuan-Tze Wu led a study of some ingenious organization into the odor-sensing cells of fruit flies. He and his collaborators at the La...
Grandmothers, Eat Fish to Protect Your Brains!
This month the American Academy of Neurology published a medical science study showing that senior women can fight air pollution hazards, including brain...
More Living Creatures Were Clearly Designed
Leaf and Stick Insect Variation
The phylum Arthropoda suddenly appears in the fossil record in a most un-Darwinian way.1 The largest group within the arthropods is the class...
Belugas Select Friends Who Aren’t Close Kin
Beluga whales don’t select their friends according to what Darwinists would expect, a new Florida Atlantic University study shows.1,2...
Deep-Sea Lobster Microbiome
Research continues regarding complex and amazing microbiomes found on or within a variety of creatures.1 The microbiome is a microbial community...
More Living Creatures Were Equipped to Adapt
Hyperbaric Research and the Pre-Flood Atmosphere
Creationists have long speculated about the earth’s environment prior to the global Flood—conditions which may have contributed to the long...
Surveillance Tracing: Red Pandas in Himalayan Nepal
It’s tough to be a red panda in this fallen world, especially after the global Flood.
Conservationists are satellite tracking red pandas in...
After 30 Years, Red Kites Soar in British Skies
Good news is always welcome. So, it’s good to learn of another conservation comeback. This time it’s the red kite happily soaring in Great...
More Design Found in Nature Inspires Innovation
Speciation of Bears, Birds, and Bacteria is not Evolution
Speciation may be defined as the separation of populations of animals or plants that resemble one another closely and originally able to interbreed—into...
Albatrosses Aid Law Enforcement
Recently, albatrosses were used for a surprising and unintended purpose: catching criminals.1,2
On behalf of BBC News, Samantha Patrick reported...
Wandering Albatross: Wide Wings on the Winds
Wandering albatrosses have the largest wingspan of any living bird, so they live much of life soaring above the oceans. With their wings—and a lot...
More Creation Science Update
Another Sea Scorpion
There are few animals more nightmarish than an 8-foot sea scorpion. Although, they were not true scorpions, their fossils display a menacing and formidable...
Did Our Middle Ear Evolve from Fish Gills?
A recent SciTechDaily article begins by saying, “Embryonic and fossil evidence proves that the human middle ear evolved from the spiracle of fishes”1...
Reminder: Saturn’s Rings Are Ephemeral and Young
Scientists recently demonstrated that infalling particles from Saturn’s rings are the most likely source of a previously unaccounted-for excess...