ICR News
Click here for Science in the News articlesHero Shrew Spine Design Glorifies the Creator
When you first look at a hero shrew, you might wonder, “How in the world did this critter get this name?” But these little mole-like creatures are considered to be the Clark Kents of the animal...
Prayers for America and Our Divine Editor
Today is America’s National Day of Prayer. How should we pray for America? Some might feel led to apply 2 Chronicles 7:14, where God says,
“If My people who are called by My name will...
Massive Cache of Dangerous Carnivores Found
Recently, a new study published in the journal ZooKeys has claimed to have found the most dangerous location to live in Earth’s history.1 And it is possible they are entirely correct,...
Frog Fossils Found in Antarctica!
Can you imagine frogs in snow-covered, frigid Antarctica? A recent fossil discovery has significant implications for Earth’s climate history as well as the fossil record.
In April a Swedish paleontologist,...
Last Supermoon of 2020 This Week
The third and last supermoon of 2020 occurs this week on May 6 and 7.1 For families isolated due to the coronavirus, this is a nice opportunity to do some backyard astronomy and to appreciate...
Common Seals Display Extraordinary Bioengineering
Fishermen and sailors have many occasions to see wonders of the oceans.1 All marine creatures give witness of God’s glory and providence, showcasing the amazing Creator He is. One such...
If Pronghorns You Chase, They’ll Win the Foot-Race
Many urban and suburban recreational opportunities are closed to public use, yet many rural and wilderness areas now are reopening to allow recreational visits.
For example, most of America’s...
Predicting Volcanic Eruptions Using Muography
Recently, a new study published in Scientific Reports outlined a novel method to predict volcanic eruptions.1 However, the technique only seems to work on a site-by-site basis and requires a...
Steller’s Jays, Dumpster-Diving, and Comparing Wh.,.
Springtime, in many places—especially Texas—is a very active time for birds.1 Nests are built. Mating and egg incubation leads to raising hatchlings. Before long, those hatchlings...
"Early" Spiral Galaxy Surprise
The naked eye allows us to see just a little of God’s heavenly handiwork, but even this little bit clearly declares God’s glory.1 As more powerful telescopes peer deeper into space,...
Inside May 2020 Acts & Facts
Why is Mount St. Helens considered a living laboratory? How does dinosaur DNA confirm recent creation? How do hominids fit with the Bible? What can we learn from Dr. Tim Clarey’s new geology book, Carved...
Monkey Fossil Confirms Neogene-Quaternary Flood Boundary
A newly published analysis of four fossil molar teeth from a monkey dug up along the left bank of the Yuruá River in the Peruvian Amazon is causing a great deal of evolutionary confusion.1...
Did Our Brains Evolve Language Pathways?
A Newcastle University press release title reads, “Origins of language pathway in the brain at least 25 million years old.”1 How can science measure the origins of brain pathways...
Cities Are Quieter Now, But Not Silent as Owls
Although details differ according to where you are, it is often quieter these days due to stay-at-home restrictions on normally noisy human activities. Less loudness and more calmness—some of that...
Predicting Earthquakes More Complex than Thought
The accurate prediction of an earthquake could potentially save thousands of lives. Everything from the study of strange animal behavior to satellites mapping changes in surface elevation have been employed...
Bats Have Always Been Bats
Bats have been in the news lately,1 but bats themselves are not new—they were created on Day 5 of Creation Week, along with other flying creatures.
Bats are a large and fascinating...
Deepwater Oil Fields Have Small Environmental Footprint
Recently, geologist Harry S. Pettingill has found that deepwater oil and gas fields may be more environmentally friendly than first thought.1 In this day and age of trying to find an energy source that...
Do Our Wisdom Teeth Show Poor Design?
Wisdom teeth crowd most mouths. We no longer use these teeth, so why do they take up space in the backs of our jaws?
Back in 2008, the Wall Street Journal ran an article titled “Smart Riposte...
Crowds Soon to Gather at Delaware Bay’s Beaches
The Delaware Bay beaches will soon host an annual (and enormous) get-together, unrestricted by any unusual “social distancing” guidelines. But local police will not issue punitive fines. Neither...
Massive Releases of CO2 from Mountain Streams
Recently, a new study published in Nature Communications found that mountain streams may be much larger contributors to the global carbon cycle than previously believed.1 The study suggests...
Hubble Telescope’s 30th Anniversary
Today (April 25th) marks the 30th anniversary of the deployment of the Hubble Space Telescope by the crew of the space shuttle Discovery.1,2 The Hubble has greatly enhanced...
Arbor Day: Planting Trees in April
Recently, when speaking at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, President Trump announced his intention to promote America’s participation in an enormous planting of trees: the One Trillion Trees...
A Single String Just Helped Confirm Genesis
A piece of string about 6 millimeters long is threatening standard evolutionary theory about the history of humanity.
The BBC reported that researchers from the United States, France, and Spain recently...
National Volunteer Week 2020
This week (April 19-25) marks National Volunteer Week 2020 in the U.S.1 All across our nation, tens of millions of people donate their time to help causes close to their hearts. Every April...
A Whopper Mystery for Nearly 20 Years
Recently, Joshua Rosenfeld made a new attempt to explain an ongoing conundrum in secular geology.1 Although a mystery to those holding to a uniformitarian worldview, it is easily solved by accepting...
Clock Synchronization in Plants Shows Divine Engineering
Biological systems that allow organisms to function, grow, and adapt bear the hallmarks of being exquisitely engineered. These complex systems exhibit the same design principles that human engineers use...
Massive Releases of CO2 from Volcanism Rival Humans
Recently, a new study published in Nature Communications has suggested that pulses of massive amounts of lava can release as much CO2 as humanity will produce for the entire 21st century. This indicates...
Norwegian Wind Farm to Power Oil Production
This week the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Industry approved the development of a floating wind farm to provide power to two oil platforms in the North Sea.1 Yes, ironically, wind energy...
Asteroid or Adam?
“Were it not for the asteroid, humans would never have evolved,” said Ian Miller, curator of paleobotany and director of earth and space sciences at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.1
Lyrid Meteor Shower Peaks This Week
The heavens are expected to declare even more of God’s glory1 this week. Probably early Wednesday morning, the Lyrid meteor shower will peak.2 For those who are socially isolated...
Surprising Health Benefits of Music
For thousands of years, music has been an essential part of human society. Even Scripture mentions music very early on. Genesis 4:21 tells us that Jubal was "the father of all those who play the lyre...
Flooded Ice Age Forest Revealing its Secrets
Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Frank Sherwin, M.A.
The recent discovery of a flooded Ice Age forest in Mobile Bay, Alabama, has scientists diving for even more hidden secrets.1 In December 2019,...
New Amber Discoveries Down Under
Paleontologists in Australia have recently discovered a treasure trove of amber with trapped insects, spiders, and fungi.1 These new fossils are revealing some animal behavioral secrets and...
Chicken, Magpie, and Easter Greetings
“Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!” For centuries, Christians have used this greeting to celebrate Resurrection Day, better known as Easter.1 Ironically, there are two birds that...
Length of the Cretaceous Year Still Leaves Questions
Recently, a team of geochemists from Belgium reported that days might have been 30 minutes shorter in the Late Cretaceous compared to today, giving 372 days in a year.1 They published their...
New Pterosaur Discovered
Pterosaurs were amazing flying reptiles that came in all shapes and sizes.1 Not surprisingly, when these bizarre creatures are found in the fossil record they are 100% flying reptiles. Some...
Another New 'Whopper Sand' Discovery
Another major oil discovery in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico has been recently announced.1 Equinor, a Norwegian-based oil company, and partners Progress Resources USA Ltd. and Repsol...
ICR Releases Game-Changing Flood Geology Book
The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) just released Carved in Stone: Geological Evidence of a Worldwide Flood, the second addition to ICR’s In-Depth Science series. Thanks to author Dr. Tim Clarey’s...
Event Recap: ICR Scientists Examine Human Origins
Last month, the ICR Discovery Center hosted “Origins: Re-examining the Evidence,” a special event featuring three of ICR’s scientists—experts in geology, fossils and human origins,...
Dark Matter Search Keeps Coming Up Empty
A recent study has ruled out a possible candidate for dark matter, the mysterious invisible “stuff” said to comprise 85% of the matter in our universe.1,2 The Big Bang model needs...
Mishandled Data Determine New Hominid Ages
A recent report in the journal Science mixed detailed archaeological finds with stories about human origins. As is typical, age assignments for fossils fit evolutionary time instead of the Bible’s...
New Study: How to Clean Our Oceans by 2050
In centuries past, our pristine oceans teemed with schools of fish, and whales thrived. But today, our oceans take a beating. Literally tons of waste are dumped into the oceans every year—industrial...
Opossums in the Neighborhood, Relevant to Human Health
Nowadays, many folks (including some with leashed dogs) are taking walks in their neighborhoods, keeping six feet away from other walkers who are not family members (“social distancing”).
Neanderthal DNA Muddles Evolutionary Story
Neanderthals are classified by evolutionists as archaic humans given that both their DNA and bones are essentially human. Yet, new stories constantly hit the headlines with the supposedly shocking news...
Supermoon Tonight
Tonight’s (April 7) full moon is special because it occurs when the moon is close to perigee, the point in its orbit where it is closest to Earth.1,2 This event is called a perigee-syzygy...
Are Plastivores the Best Solution to Our Plastic Problem?
Since the first entirely synthetic plastic was made in 1907,1 the plastic industry has grown exponentially. While it is difficult to estimate exactly how much plastic has been produced in the...
High-Speed Bird Communication Is Complex
High-speed creature communication has been making the news recently. There was underwater research on deep-sea squid,1 and now bird communication. In fact, the rapid signaling discovered in...
Earthquake Jolts Idaho
March went out with a jolt in central Idaho. March 31 saw a magnitude 6.5 earthquake strike about 45 miles west of the town of Challis at about 6:52 pm local time.1 The recent quake was about...
Do You Really Have a Jaguar?
It’s not right to bluff about something you don’t have.1 Yet some government bureaucrats tried to gain control of over 100,000 acres of land, basing their entitlement grab upon claims...
Earthquakes Still Active in Utah
On March 18, 2020, a 5.7 magnitude earthquake shook the Salt Lake City area. Specifically, it hit underneath the town of Magna, Utah. Since that time, over 650 aftershocks have continued to rumble through...
It’s Bluebonnet Season!
Now is the season—late March and April—for bluebonnets to blossom in Texas!1 Establishing these beautiful flowers is difficult, as many have learned. But that difficulty is itself...
Volcanoes, Geoengineering, and the Post-Flood Ice Age
A recent study in March 2020 suggested that sulfur dioxide (SO2) injected into Earth’s stratosphere could fight global warming, with a minimum of adverse effects.1,2
Here at ICR we...
Inside April 2020 Acts & Facts
How is ICR preparing for our next season of ministry? How does science confirm that turtles have always been turtles? Were dragons really dinosaurs? What can we learn about geology, biology, and the...
Unfounded Fears Arise from Deep Canyon
New concerns have surfaced this week about melting ice from within the deepest point on the continents.1 Worry over the rapid melting of the ice-filled Denman Canyon has sparked more environmental...
Woodcocks: Fit for Different Situations
In today’s change-filled world, God is ubiquitously displaying His creativity to provide for our most important needs. God’s creative providence fulfills what we need to solve the challenging...
Volcanic Ash Turns to Stone in Months
How long does it take for the volcanic ash to turn to stone? Most uniformitarian scientists claim this is a slow process that should take many years, even thousands of years. But what does empirical science...
Turtles, Birdwatching, and Living Through Tough Times
How can learning about turtles and doing some birdwatching be useful during this time? Local disasters are declared, and ordinary life activities are restricted, or even banned, under penalty of monetary...
Traces of "Oldest Ancestor" Found
A new study released on March 23, 2020, claims that evolutionary scientists have identified the oldest human ancestor. The fossil evidence for this assertion was found in rocks from Nilpena, South Australia.1...
Deep Water Squid Communication Mystifies Scientists
In the deep, dark, cold waters of the Pacific Ocean—about 1,500 feet below the surface— hundreds of Humboldt squid the size of small humans (~ 5 feet long) were recently observed feeding on...
Yellowstone Supervolcano Unlikely to Blow
For several years, secular scientists have been predicting a possible supervolcano eruption at Yellowstone National Park. Recently, the London Daily Mail reported that the Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone...
ICR Beginning Search for a New President
As was noted in my article “Biblical Succession” in the April issue of Acts & Facts, the ICR Board of Trustees has authorized a national search to find a new President to lead ICR into...
Mountains Rise When Subduction Ceases
Evolutionary scientists are still trying to understand what happens when tectonic plate subduction stops. They are also baffled by rapid crustal uplift near subduction zones. Yet, we see clear evidence...
Earthquake Causes Tsunami Fears
On Wednesday, March 25, 2020, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck just east of Russia’s Kuril Islands, sparking fears of impending tsunamis.1
According to the United States Geological...
Think Twice Before Whacking a Mole
It’s mole season. Moles get active in springtime, especially during March and April. Moles are mostly hidden out of plain sight, but they are actually important members of God’s creation. Many...
Ants Demonstrate Characteristics of Engineered Adaptability
Darwin’s theory of evolution makes several predictions about adaptation. But recent genetic findings raise questions about the accuracy of evolutionary theory, since the findings point toward different...
Does Scripture Say Anything about Climate?
Climate change conversations squeeze their way into so many different topics, yet climate research is rife with confusion. Which scientists are right: those who say pollution causes most global warming,...
"Hot Jupiter" on the Verge of Destruction
Astronomers have discovered a Jupiter-sized extrasolar planet (exoplanet) orbiting so close to its host star that it is “perilously close” to the distance where it can be torn apart by gravitational...
New Claims of a Billion-Year-Old Living Fossil
Evolutionary scientists announced the discovery of what they claim are the oldest green-algae fossils—which look remarkably like modern, living seaweeds. The millimeter-sized, multicellular plant...
Dinosaur DNA Confronts Big Ideas
Scientists claim to have discovered DNA-like molecules inside specialized cells taken from a type of duckbill dinosaur. Could it be actual dino DNA? Some paleontologists remain unconvinced, since DNA...
Cichlid Fish Research Highlights Adaptive Genome Engineering
Cichlid fish are a top biological model for the study of diversification because of their unique ability to adapt to a wide range of lake and river environments. They also produce a startling array...
Shedding Toxins: A Surprising Role for "Industrial.,.
It seems obvious that when Britain’s trees were covered in black coal soot during the industrial revolution that the numbers of black-colored peppered moths would increase. But several recent...
Inside March 2020 Acts & Facts
What is the mystery of godliness? How do cosmic rays and sunspots impact Earth’s climate? Where can you ask an expert your deepest questions about faith and science? How does ICR’s approach...
Mammoth Extinction and Extinct Peoples
Wooly mammoths once roamed North America, northern Europe, and Siberia. Possibly the last of their kind perished as a dwindling population on Wrangel Island, northeast of Siberia. Who wouldn’t...
Peppered Moth Color Changes Are Engineered
Many students are told about how increasing coal soot during Britain’s 18th and 19th century industrial revolution drove the color change observed in black peppered moths. The famous peppered...
Specialized Brain Cells Act Like a Compass
Most people don’t think about the mental process of recognizing locations. We just take it for granted.
Any sort of complicated manmade device, like a modern cell phone or car, constantly...
The Latest Feathered Dinosaur Confuses Categories
Evolutionary biologists promote strange-looking Chinese fossils that resemble the in-between creatures the researchers have long sought. One strand of dinosaurs looks like birds, some birds look a bit...
Embryonic 'Clocks' Mimic Human Construction Schedules
Two recent findings in biology add confirmation that biological functions are best characterized by engineering principles. This research describes a number of sophisticated internal clocks that control...
Brazil Appoints Creation Advocate
Good news is hard to come by regarding the origins battle in education. The majority of educators and scientists around the world have an evolutionary worldview. Therefore, they’re not open to...
Remembering Dr. John Whitcomb
ICR is saddened to hear of Dr. John Whitcomb’s passing last night. Almost 60 years ago, Dr. Whitcomb co-authored The Genesis Flood with ICR’s founder, Dr. Henry M. Morris. The two men combined...
Inside February 2020 Acts & Facts
What can we know about the origin of the universe? How do the Gospels affirm the dominion mandate for research? What can we learn about the Ice Age from the newest Discovery Center film? And how can...
Manganese Nodules Inconsistent with Radiometric Dating
Pellets (or nodules) composed of various metals, such as manganese and iron, often litter the ocean floor. These nodules form when chemicals dissolved in seawater precipitate onto a small object lying...
Population Growth Matches Bible and DNA Clock
According to detailed biblical chronologies and genealogies, the global Flood recorded in Genesis that wiped out humanity occurred about 4,500 years ago.1,2 Then the earth was repopulated...
Teenage T. rex Fossils
A new analysis of a small pair of T. rex-like fossils, called Nanotyrannus, shows they were actually teenage T. rexes.
Holly Woodward, from Oklahoma State University, and her colleagues reporting...
Solving the First-Life Phosphate Problem
Research associated with the Simos Foundation’s Collaboration of the Origins of Life offers a new answer to an old problem for getting a soup of chemicals to somehow turn into a living cell. Assuming...
Sorghum Manages Gene Expression to Resist Drought
Sorghum is an important food crop due, in part, to its extreme drought-tolerance. This characteristic makes it an ideal model for demonstrating how biological entities are able to continuously track...
Mouse Brains Rewire Themselves
How do you know when something has been engineered? One way to tell is to study the words used to describe its characteristic features. The Mt. Rushmore rock faces have different characteristics from...
New York Seminarians Worship Plants
Recently, some New York seminary students exhibited their unbiblical imaginations by idolatrously confessing their sins to potted plants. Sound silly? It is.
Today in chapel, we confessed [our sins]...
Inside January 2020 Acts & Facts
This year the Institute for Creation Research celebrates 50 years of ministry! In this anniversary issue, we reflect on God’s faithfulness and provision over the last five decades. ICR’s...
Eighty-Five Reports of Biological Remnants in Fossils
A new review paper published in the journal Expert Review of Proteomics summarizes 85 reports of organic remains in fossils.1 Some of the reports describe whole tissues like blood vessels,...
Brittle Stars See with Their Skin
Echinoderms, “spiny-skinned” invertebrates, are first found in the Cambrian sedimentary rock layers as 100% echinoderms. The first brittle stars (Echinoderm, class Ophiuroidea) were found...
Signs of Christmas
“Moreover the LORD spoke again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.” (Isaiah 7:10-11)
Although “the Jews...
Microbes at Siljan Crater Are No Surprise
Scientists have reported the presence of methane-producing microbes living deep beneath the Siljan impact crater in Sweden.1 Although the researchers stopped short of claiming the impact...
Y-Chromosome Study Confirms Genesis Flood Timeline
Based on biblical chronologies, we can determine that the global Flood recorded in Genesis occurred about 4,500 years ago.1 After the Flood, the earth was repopulated by Noah’s three...
Designed Adaptations Challenge Evolution
It’s exciting when research with medical implications also provides insight into the mechanisms of biological adaptation. Two new studies contribute to a large body of research that not only contradicts...
Neanderthal Extinction Dilemma
How did Neanderthals go extinct? Four researchers from the Netherlands recently published the results of their computer-modeled human populations in the journal PLOS ONE.1 The findings show...
More T. rex Soft Tissues
The latest fossil biochemistry paper, published in Scientific Reports, describes “blood vessel structures” recovered from inside a T. rex femur.1 This is the same femur in which...
Giving Tuesday 2019…Become a Creation Advocate
Today is Giving Tuesday—a global day of giving! This online event kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their Christmas and end-of-year giving. Your generous support enables...
Inside December 2019 Acts & Facts
Do carbon ages refute the biblical timeline? How does homology confirm creation instead of evolution? Why is it important to know your Christian heritage? And how can you get involved as an ICR Discovery...
The Pilgrims
“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” (1 Peter 1:1).
These “strangers” to whom Peter wrote...
Save the Date for Giving Tuesday 2019!
We’re entering the season of giving, and what better gift to give than the truth of God’s Word. Will you help us reach your family, friends, and church with scientific evidence that confirms...
New Bird Fossil Doesn't Fit Evolutionary Story
Evolutionary scientists continually search for evidence to support their claims of an evolutionary relationship between birds and dinosaurs. Their most recent attempt involves a new bird fossil named...
Is Climate Change Activism a Religion?
Hawaiian Senator Mazie Hirono recently stated that people should “believe in climate change as though it’s a religion.” She then very quickly added, “It’s not, it’s...
The Legacies of Phillip E. Johnson
Former University of California law professor Phillip E. Johnson passed away on November 2, 2019. His significant contribution to his many law students, plus his faithfulness to his church and family...
Ape Spit Radically Different from Human
In their quest to try and find some sort of evolutionary similarity between humans and apes, scientists have compared DNA, proteins, anatomy, behavior, and every other conceivable feature. But many...
Do Maillard Reactions Explain Dinosaur Proteins?
How could dinosaur proteins persist over 70 million years inside dinosaur bones? That’s one of the biggest questions that secular paleontologists have faced in the last two decades. Many of them...
ICR's Tomkins and Thomas on Point of View Radio
ICR scientists Dr. Jeff Tomkins and Dr. Brian Thomas were recently interviewed on the Point of View radio talk show by host Dr. Merrill Matthews, joined by Pastor Charles Stolfus of Denton Bible Church.
Inside November 2019 Acts & Facts
How do recently exposed sediments at Lake Mead refute old-earth geology claims and fully support the Flood model? Did the St. Davids Dragon artist carve a mythological animal, or did he have knowledge...
Exploring Adaptation from an Engineering Perspective
For more than a century, biologists have appealed to Darwinian natural selection to explain how living organisms adapt to different environments. But research over the last several decades has consistently...
Tree Rings, Varves, and the Age of the Earth: An Update
In 2010, the BioLogos Foundation published a paper by geologists Gregg Davidson and Ken Wolgemuth (D&W) titled “Christian Geologists on Noah’s Flood: Biblical and Scientific Shortcomings...
Cells and Designers Both Use Control Theory
New research goes a long way in explaining how creatures actively sense their environment and adapt to it. One mechanism enables some organisms to track the changing levels of nutrients, hormones, or...
Biological and Engineered Systems Employ Same Principles
New findings continue to support ICR’s theoretical assumption that biological functions are best explained by engineering principles.1 These findings challenge long-held Darwinian assumptions...
Preserved Organics Found in Ancient Stromatolites
Evolutionary scientists are continually searching for evidence of the “first life” on Earth. Their most recent claim involves well-preserved stromatolite fossils from Australia. Stromatolites...
Denisovan Epigenetics Reveals Human Anatomy
A recent study making the news involves the reconstruction of the facial features and anatomy of the enigmatic humans known as the Denisovan from genetic data.1 In the evolutionist’s...
New Estimate: Universe Two Billion Years Younger
Big Bang scientists recently used a new method to estimate the universe’s age. This method yields an age estimate that could be over two billion years younger than their current age estimate of 13.8...
Pain-Sensing Organ Shows Engineering Principles
New human organs are rarely discovered, but that’s what several astute scientists recently accomplished at Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet’s Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics.1...
Inside October 2019 Acts & Facts
September 2, 2019, marked the grand opening of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History. When will you plan your visit? Why did God make mosquitos? What is the significance of the world’s...
Harvard Research Supports Innate Adaptive Mechanisms
Two recent reports undermine natural selection, but support design. The reports reinforce the reality that creatures are active, problem-solving beings that sense environmental changes and produce targeted...
Dinosaur Mingled with Sea Creatures in Japan
Each time a fossilized creature with legs is found mingled with fossil sea creatures, a new quandary for evolutionary history presents itself. When the same situation surfaces many times, that quandary...
Give Today to Reach the Next Generation
North Texas Giving Day is here once again! Will you help us reach the next generation? Your generosity will empower ICR and the brand-new ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History to help...
Fossil Ape Skull Is a Game Ender
A recent poll of college-age Americans showed that the single most convincing science-based argument for evolution is the lineup of supposed ape-like evolutionary ancestors of mankind.1 But...
Over a Dozen More Dinosaur Soft Tissues
A trio of scientists used sterile techniques to collect 17 dinosaur fossils. They searched deep inside the specimens for original, still-soft tissue remnants. What did they find?
Their Edmontosaurus...
Komodo Dragon Genome Bites Evolution
Komodo dragons are the largest lizards in the world and a top predator on the remote Indonesian islands they inhabit. Their sensory system allows them to detect large prey, such as deer, over seven miles...
ICR Discovery Center Hosts Grand Opening
This Labor Day, over 1,600 people flowed through the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History to celebrate its grand opening. ICR staff and volunteers welcomed plenty of Texas locals as well...
Inside September 2019 Acts & Facts
The ICR Discovery Center is now open to the public! We’re excited for you and your family to discover how science confirms creation. What can you experience on an ICR field trip? Are blue eyes...
The Tar Tells Toothy Tales of Extinction
The La Brea tar pits in Los Angeles—actually seeps of smelly asphaltum—are loaded with fossils. New analyses of chemicals inside their ancient teeth give clues as to what they ate and maybe...
Yale University Prof: Darwin Was Wrong
A respected Yale University computer scientist has publicly expressed doubts about Darwinian evolution.1 In a column in the Claremont Review of Books, Dr. David Gelernter wrote that books...
Australopithecus Ate Like an Ape
Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D.
Secular scientists are continually trying to humanize ape fossils in an attempt to bridge the wide gap between humans and apes to fit their worldview....
DNA Repair Research Reveals Astounding Complexity
You have been designed with many trillions of cells. Within the nucleus of each cell (except for red blood cells) is the “molecule of life” called DNA. It’s organized into chromosomes...
Photosynthesis: Clearly Designed from the Beginning
Unique structures in rare bacteria suggest the amazing process of photosynthesis is much “older” than evolutionists assumed.
Photosynthesis is the process of turning sunlight, water...
Under the Stars at ICR
On the evening of Friday, August 2, 154 creation enthusiasts attended an astronomy-themed evening at the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. By all accounts, everyone had a wonderful...
Inside August 2019 Acts & Facts
Why did we build the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History? What solved mystery near Norway confirms Flood geology? How do bats, bees, and butterflies reveal the intricate design of God’s...
Rapid Chernobyl Adaptations Surprise Evolutionists
A recent Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) report highlighted creatures’ designed innate capacity to self-adjust to incredibly challenging exposures.1 The article, by Stuart Thompson...
Anti-Gravity Water Transport in Trees
Transporting water up a tree ten stories high from the roots to the leaves is no easy feat. How is this accomplished? The answer lies in tiny, specially designed vessels called xylem—plus a combination...
New Ways to See Nearsightedness
Steve Turpin, O.D., M.S., a Doctor of Optometry, wrote about an alarming increase in nearsightedness in developed societies on behalf of the Evolution Institute (EI). His conclusions actually contradict...
Bacteria-Infecting Viruses Reveal Creation Sophistication
You might recall that viruses act as miniscule infectious agents. They forcibly enter a cell and conquer its molecular machinery. The cell is instructed, via viral DNA, to stop making its normal cellular...
Radiocarbon in Yet Another Dinosaur Fossil
Creation-based thinking made a testable prediction. If Noah’s Flood formed dinosaur and other fossils only 4,500 or so years ago, then they may still contain measurable amounts of the short-lived...
Natural Selection's Dark Side Prompts Historical Revision
An article addressing some of evolution’s difficulties was recently published in Aeon, a magazine of philosophy and culture. It was just another stark case of evolutionists embarrassed about the...
Bee Brains Aren't Pea Brains
In 2005, biologists were stunned to discover that humans might not all look the same to honeybees. A study has found that bees can learn to recognize human faces in photos, and remember them for at least...
Dinosaurs, the Smithsonian, and Evolutionist Desperation
The Smithsonian Institution in Washington D. C. just finished a five-year renovation of its dinosaur hall at a cost of around $110 million.1 The renovated exhibit opened to the public on...
Design-Based Spider Research Proves Creator's Genius
Evolutionary theory is based on the faulty assumption that chance random processes can produce highly ordered complex systems, and this theory routinely fails to reveal scientific reality. A new secular...
Inside July 2019 Acts & Facts
We're excited to announce the grand opening of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History! Be among the first to walk through our doors on Labor Day, September 2. Will we see you on...
Skeptics Analyze Original Tissues with Lousy Logic
The scientific literature contains over 100 examples of original biomaterials in fossils.1 These include a few decades’ worth of reports, using at least a few dozen independent techniques...
Purposeful Genetic Changes Challenge Evolutionary Theory
Increasing numbers of evolutionists question the validity of their own theory of evolution everyone is taught in school. A recent challenge came from a paper with the intriguing title, “What is...
A Fossilized School of Fish
“I can’t picture a three-dimensional school of fish sinking to the bottom and maintaining all their relative positions,” said Dr. Plotnick, paleontologist at the University of Illinois...
Your Flowers Are Listening
Botanists have known for decades that plants aren’t just static entities that simply photosynthesize and reproduce. Indeed, plants read the living world around them with an incredible display...
Indian Kangaroo Pictographs Challenge Evolution
by Brian Thomas, Ph.D., and Timothy Clarey, Ph.D.
Evolutionary narratives insist that kangaroos, and the marsupials they represent, evolved millions of years ago in Australia. Supposedly, that’s...
Hacked Genome Damages Cell, Declares Creator's Genius
Researchers have just reported a newly recoded bacterial genome in which genetic optimization was markedly reduced.1 Optimization is a principle of designed systems. Scientists hacked the...
Monkey Fossil Reveals Diversity and Flood Boundary
Old World monkey and ape fossils both appear suddenly in the fossil record. (Note: “Old World” refers to countries known to Europeans before they discovered the Americas.) In 2013, the fossils...
Moon Is Unexpectedly Still Cooling and Shrinking
Scientists have concluded that our moon is probably still in the process of slightly shrinking as it cools.1,2
Photographs from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) showed embankments...
Inside June 2019 Acts & Facts
How can we resolve the conflicting message of a good creation with the evil that surrounds us? How does geological research uncover Earth’s youth? Why is a literal Adam a gospel issue? And what...
Mind-Blowing Marine Ammonite in Tree Resin
Can a single fossil showcase the immense power of the global Flood? One such revelatory fossil may have been found recently in Myanmar encased in beautiful, golden Cretaceous amber.1 And...
Plants Show Engineering Principles
Discoveries in biology keep pouring in that confirm biological functions are best described by engineering principles. A prime example is the recent description of a sophisticated control system in...
Cambrian Explosion Continues to Perplex Evolutionists
One of the more compelling evidences for the creation model is found in the Cambrian sedimentary layers dated by evolutionists to have formed 500 to 541 million years ago. Almost all the major groups of...
"Fast Evolution" in the Duck-Billed Hadrosaur
The duck-billed dinosaurs (order Ornithischia, family Hadrosauridae) were a diverse group that allegedly lived 90 million years ago, with hundreds of specimens unearthed by paleontologists in China...
Big Bang Hubble Contradiction Confirmed
Using data obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have confirmed a contradiction between two different estimates of the Hubble constant—an extremely important number in cosmology.1
Rapid Changes in Plants Demonstrate Innate Tracking
A recent study on a plant in the mustard family (Brassica Rapa) provides evidence that plants continuously track environmental changes both in real time and across generations. Brassica Rapa utilize...
Fruit Fly Smell via Incredible Nanopore System
By Frank Sherwin and Jeffrey Tomkins
Fruit flies have been the foundational invertebrate of biology research for decades. Not only do they resist change, but there’s no record—fossil or...
Inside May 2019 Acts & Facts
How can you help friends recognize the solid science that confirms creation? What discoveries from biological research support the Bible? How will the ICR Discovery Center showcase geological research?...
Hyaenodont Fossil Highlights Diversity and Flood Boundary
Paleontologists just discovered a fossil of a new type of extinct ferocious-looking mammal that’s bigger than any lion or tiger living today.1 This bizarre creature highlights the amazing...
Whale Evolution Dives to New Low
By Brian Thomas and Jeffrey Tomkins
The story of whale evolution is one of the most ridiculous fables of scientifically unsupported speculation ever perpetrated on the public. And now, with the...
First Ever Photo of a Black Hole
On April 10, 2019, a team of astronomers revealed the first-ever photograph of a black hole.1 Modern physics sees time and space as being interconnected, forming a kind of “fabric”...
WFAA News Highlights the ICR Discovery Center
With Easter approaching, many people have a heightened interest in matters of faith and spirituality. Local WFAA news reporter Jobin Panicker chose this “holy week” to visit the ICR Discovery...
Irish Bacteria Could Stop Dangerous "Superbugs"
We’re all familiar with antibiotic resistance building in the human population.1 Antibiotics are widely prescribed, but many are largely unnecessary. This contributes to the development...
Prestonwood Christian Academy Previews ICR Discovery Center
On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, sixth graders from Prestonwood Christian Academy visited the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History for a sneak preview day of learning and fun activities. This...
Dances with Cells
Cell biologists have long focused on the tiniest of interactions: those between molecules. Recently, some researchers have zoomed out just a little to take a fresh look using new technologies at those...
Termite Nest Architectural Design Is Clearly Seen
Termites (order Isoptera) are eusocial—animals with an advanced social organization—insects that can number in the millions, producing something biologists call a superorganism. This is...
Stunning Chinese Fossils Support Creation
News reports reverberated with details from a fantastic new fossil site in southern China.1 The Cambrian remains supposedly represent some of the earliest creatures to have evolved on Earth,...
Inside April 2019 Acts & Facts
How has God used ICR to draw people to Christ? Why do we find marine and dinosaur fossils mixed together? How should Christians respond to climate change alarmism? And what can we learn about our Creator...
The Molecular Language of Our Gut Bacteria
Every person is an important ecosystem for a wide variety of microorganisms. Whether it’s the bacterial collection of coliforms in our large intestine, streptococci in our mouth, or the diptheroids...
'Incredible, Unique, and Truly Weird' Yellowstone Microbes
It’s been known for decades that the hot pools of Yellowstone National Park contain exceptional and robust types of prokaryotic microorganisms called Archaea. Previously known as the archaebacteria,...
Algae Multicellular Evolution Study Debunked
Recent headlines claim, “Scientists Have Witnessed a Single-Celled Algae Evolve Into a Multicellular Organism.”1 In reality, the experiment showed that nothing more than a crude...
Another Failure to Recreate Life's Origins
A new study by NASA scientists has just been published where researchers did nothing more than convert a pre-cursor chemical into a single type of amino acid. Despite the simplicity of this experiment...
Photosynthesis Continues to Amaze
One of the most complex biochemical processes in God’s creation is the ability plants possess to take in carbon dioxide and water and, with the aid of sunlight, turn it into energy-rich sugars....
Beetle Mouth-Gears Shout Design
Beetles (order Coleoptera) are a unique but common group of insects easily recognized by the pair of shiny forewings covering their body. These protective wing-cases are called the elytra. Beetles make...
Trailer for New Moses Documentary
Filmmaker Tim Mahoney recently released a trailer for a new documentary that ought to be of great interest to Bible-believing Christians and skeptics alike. The movie, Patterns of Evidence: The Moses...
Triassic Tumor Raises Creation Questions
German researchers described rare bone cancer in a Triassic reptile fossil found in limestone near Velberg, Germany. The find reignites conversations about the origin of diseases and ultimately of life.
Inside March 2019 Acts & Facts
How can ICR educate your students with the truth about God’s creation? What caused the Ice Age? How can dinosaur soft tissue persist in fossils? Have lions always been lions? Discover the answers...
Introducing the Little Creation Books Series
In the last few years, ICR has expanded its creation resources to meet the needs of students, elementary-age children, and beginning readers. But as the father of a baby and a toddler, ICR Media Production...
New Fossil Feathers Affirm Created Kinds
Descriptions of feathered dinosaurs continue to wing their way into scientific literature. While most researchers see each new example as another link in a Darwinian story of reptiles somehow evolving...
Delicate Spider Fossil Discovered
Discovering fossil spiders has become fairly common.1 Each time they have been 100% spiders, not vague evolutionary ancestors with partial or transitional features.2
A T. rex Swimming with Sharks?
The last time I checked, sharks didn’t swim on land. Most shark species inhabit saltwater oceans. Maybe tyrannosaurs swam some, but they didn’t dwell in oceans. Yet somehow sharks and tyrannosaurs...
"Ancient" Fossil Still Has Hagfish Slime Residue
Hagfish look creepy. They can act creepy, too. Having no bones, they tie themselves into sliding figure eight knots that help them tear mouthfuls of flesh from the seafloor carcasses on which they feed....
Meteorite Impact Observed During Lunar Eclipse
On January 21, 2019, during a total lunar eclipse, astronomers and amateur stargazers alike saw a small meteorite strike the lunar surface.1 The collision was seen as a flash of light just...
Revealing Our Fossil Wall
It was an exciting week here at ICR as we watched workers carefully mount nine fossil replicas to the Discovery Center’s exterior wall. Each 12ˈ×12ˈ panel weighs 3,500 pounds! Two...
Red Algae Lazarus Effect Can't Resurrect Evolution
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D. and Timothy L. Clarey, Ph.D.
Red algae form one of the main components of coral reefs and were originally thought to have appeared on Earth during the middle of the Cretaceous...
Yeast Introns Not Junk After All
The junk DNA paradigm has proven to be an ill-founded icon of evolution. We’ve witnessed its pet sub-theories systematically debunked as we learn more and more about how creatures’ DNA systems...
Intermediate Gas Giants Challenge Planet Formation Theory
The recent discovery of thirty new exoplanets in other solar systems presents another challenge to the most popular secular theory of planet formation.1,2 These exoplanets are smaller versions...
How One Sense Smells a Trillion Scents
Think of all the jobs that our good working sense of smell fulfills. First, the nose detects a chemical—the source of the scent. It distinguishes that scent from literally billions of others....
New Shark Species Is Still a Shark
by Frank Sherwin, DSc. and Jeff Tomkins, Ph.D.
Australian and American zoologists discovered a new species of shark.1 Carcharhinus obsolerus was discovered off the coast of South East Asia...
Saturn's Ring Rain Rates Run Fast
Saturn’s gravity keeps vacuuming up its own stunning rings. NASA scientists have estimated how fast this process happens. The rings lose six Olympic-sized swimming pools-worth of material every...
New Reservoir of Life Eats Oil
Secular geologists have long claimed that oil can survive millions of years underground because it somehow becomes pasteurized at 80 oC (176 oF), preventing further biodegradation.1...
Mantle Water Flux Indicates a Young Ocean
Secular science believes Earth’s oceans have existed for about four billion years.1 They also think the level of the ocean has remained about the same over that vast period of time....
Geoengineering and the Post-Flood Ice Age
Harvard scientists are planning to inject a small cloud of tiny particles called aerosols into the atmosphere. They then hope to study the behavior of these particles.1,2 This effort, called...
Creation and the New Year
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)
It is appropriate for Christians to begin the New Year by referring back to the beginning of the very...
Super-Sized Synapsid in the Wrong Rocks
A Polish research duo described the remains of an elephant-size synapsid from upper Triassic rocks. Only it’s not supposed to be there. Secular reactions express shock at this turn from a longstanding...
Soft Tissue Fossils Preserved by Toasting?
A research team described a form of fossilization that it thinks can explain how original proteins have lasted for millions of years in Earth’s crust. It does match certain fossil features, but...
Geckos Have Holes in Their Heads
The lovable, designed gecko makes the news again this year.1 In 2009, it was discovered the gecko had amazing nocturnal vision.2 Even their sophisticated feet that secrete phospholipids,...
Not-So-Simple Plankton
Plankton is a generic term for small marine creatures such as algae, bacteria, and protozoa. Although tiny, they are packed with incredibly intricate submicroscopic structures. This complexity isn’t...
Merry Christmas from the Moon
We are so thankful for you, our faithful ICR supporters who have enabled us to advance the message of biblical creation throughout this year. We hope this “Merry Christmas from the Moon”...
Amazing Design of Black Widow Web Silk
Evidence for creation is seen in both the sudden origin1 of spiders, as demonstrated in the fossil record, and their amazing design.2 All spiders are created with four pairs of...
Reptile Footprints Advance Flood Explanation
Salamander-like footprints preserved in sandstone have long fascinated Grand Canyon hikers and rafters. Insights from a new study of the track patterns intensify an old trackway mystery. But Noah’s...
Fossilized Bird Lung Inflates Confidence in Creation
A pristine Mesozoic bird fossil showed impressions of feathers and even some organs, including what appear to be lungs. The technical article published in the leading journal PNAS did not report any...
Giving Thanks for Christian Friends
“We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers.” (1 Thessalonians 1:2)
We all have much to be thankful for. It is certainly appropriate to give audible...
Save the Date for Giving Tuesday 2018!
We’re entering the season of giving, and what better gift to give than the truth of God’s Word. Will you help us reach your family, friends, and church with scientific evidence that confirms...
Radio Interview: Why Our Origins Matter
Leading up to ICR’s conference in Boston this weekend, Dr. Randy Guliuzza discusses why what we believe about origins matters to our understanding of the Bible, the gospel, and ourselves. For more...
Cold Slabs Indicate Recent Global Flood
Since the 1990s, cross-section images of mantle tomography have shown visible slabs of oceanic lithosphere (which includes oceanic crust) descending hundreds of miles beneath ocean trenches into subduction...
Unique Human Neuron Discovered
With a new addition to the category of “uniquely human features,” MIT neuroscientists discovered a feature of human—not animal—brain cells. Certain human brain cells have much...
Radio Interview: God Made Gorillas, God Made You
ICR Editor Christy Hardy talks with WBGL in Illinois about getting equipped to discuss creation/evolution issues with your kids and reveals the inspiration behind her new children’s book,...
AmazonSmile Donates to ICR
Are you hunting down the perfect Christmas gifts or reordering household supplies? You can support ICR's ministry when you shop online at Amazon!
Since 2014, ICR has participated as a charitable...
Bacteria Make Good Linguists and Electricians
Our scientific forefathers thought of germs as simple living things. They were oh, so wrong. Apparently, when it comes to living things, small does not mean simple. Two new discoveries about germs that...
95% of Human Genome Can't Evolve
A new study just came out that analyzed vast amounts of data from human genome samples from all over the world.1 Based on the evolutionists’ own theoretical model of evolution, 95%...
Nobel Awarded for Intelligently Designed "Directed.,.
The Nobel prize was just awarded to an international group of scientists under the misleading oxymoron of “directed evolution.” The media spun this event as propaganda for a naturalistic...
Nebular Hypothesis Doesn't Hold Together
Secular scientists claim that stars form “naturally” from enormous clouds of gas and dust. The newly-formed star is thought to be encircled by a thin, slowly-spinning disk of dusty material....
Sorghum and Bacteria Cooperative Design
The drought tolerance of a popular grain, sorghum, makes it an important global food crop. A recent study finds that sorghum manipulates soil conditions to promote a beneficial change in the microbes...
Evolutionists Sense Life's Design and Deify Nature
The inclination of some evolutionists to project God-like powers onto nature is becoming more prominent in scientific literature. Some proudly personify nature in first-person, calling her Gaia after...
Secular Root Origins Appear Groundless
The biblical model of origins maintains the first forms of life created by God were the land plants complete with root systems on Day 3 of creation week. The first life did not evolve from inorganic...
Dinosaurs Buried More Rapidly Than Thought
Secular scientists recently determined that most of the dinosaur fossils in the Morrison Formation were buried quicker than commonly thought.1 The Morrison Formation is famous for its compositional...
New Language Research Speaks Volumes About Creation
A major unanswered question for evolution is: why are humans the only species that can talk? Secular researchers have tried to find an answer since Darwin’s day, but so far they have not found...
Cells Use Elaborate Math to Adapt
A new development in mathematical modeling from Dr. Robyn P. Araujo at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, goes a long way to help explain how creatures adapt.1 A...
Complex Engineering in Weevils Befuddles Evolution
The beautiful glossy rainbow weevil from the Philippines is unique for the spectacular rainbow colored spots on its thorax and forewing. These circular spots produce all the colors, and in the same...
Giving Day Today!
Hello, Friends.
North Texas Giving Day is finally here! Will you partner with us? Your generosity will help ICR proclaim the truth and accuracy of God’s Word around the world.
Newly-Discovered Brain Cell
Someone said the three-pound human brain is the most complex and least-understood biological structure in the known universe. Scientific research regarding this incredibly intricate organ will never...
WWII Plane Found Frozen in Greenland Ice
A team has located a World War II P-38 Lightning fighter plane beneath more than 300 feet of ice in Greenland. They first found hints of the plane’s position in 2011, but a drone equipped with...
New ICR Podcasts
Do you enjoy listening to podcasts during your commute, workout, or morning devotions? Do you like meditating on short passages of Scripture? Would you like an ICR expert to answer some of your most...
Massive Megashark Teeth Discovered
In 2015, schoolteacher and amateur fossil hunter Philip Mullaly discovered a number of three-inch teeth of what would later be classified as the large Great Jagged Narrow-Toothed shark (Carcharocles angustidens).1...
Dinosaur "Superhighway" Explained by Global Flood
The recent Alaskan discovery of an unusual assemblage of footprints in Cretaceous rocks has paleontologists scratching their heads.
Anthony Fiorillo, of the Perot Museum of Nature and Science...
More Exceptional Preservation of Organic Material
The scientific community continues to reel and exhibit bewilderment that well-preserved carbon-based (organic) fossil material regularly appears in sediments supposedly many millions of years old.
Diplodocoid Dinosaurs Found in Unexpected Place
The discovery of a new fossil in northwest China sent shockwaves rippling through the secular paleontological world. The new sauropod (longneck) dinosaur called Lingwulong shenqi, or “amazing...
New Findings Challenge Secular Dating Models
Two recent news stories, one from the Carnegie Institute for Science1 and another from an issue of Nuclear Technology,2 shed light on an icon of “deep time” radioisotope...
Are the Galápagos Islands a Laboratory of Evolution?
A recent Livescience article1 is entitled “The Galápagos Islands: Laboratory of Evolution.” It addresses, among other things, “unique examples of plant and animal...
ICR Kids’ Book: God Made Gorillas, God Made You
In the last few years, ICR has released numerous resources to help parents teach their children creation truth. Our Guide to… series is perfect for homeschoolers or anyone who wants a detailed,...
More Whopper Sand Evidence of Global Flood
In the U.S. Gulf Coast region, the Upper Jurassic Norphlet Sandstone rests right on top of thousands of feet of Middle Jurassic salt, known as the Louann Salt. Secular geologists believe this sandstone...
Coffee Drinkers Take Heart!
Coffee has nutritional benefits! Scientists in Duesseldorf, Germany, report,
Caffeine consumption has been associated with lower risks for multiple diseases, including type II diabetes, heart disease,...
How Bacteria Help Our Bodies Survive
Within the past 20 years or so, dozens of papers have been written regarding the human microbiome. Microbiota inhabit a variety of niches in the human body, with the gut being the primary location....
DNA Paramedics Repair Chromosomes
In the mid-1800s, a mild Augustinian friar named Gregor Mendel crossbred pea plants and pioneered the beginnings of understanding inherited traits. Genetics has come a long way since then.
Bees Are Actually Really, Really Smart
“These are, high, high, highly intelligent creatures,” said conservation biologist Reese Halter.1
Halter was speaking of the fascinating bee. Bees are already famous...
A Little Book with a Big Plan
Are you tired of reading dinosaur books to your kids while trying to filter the evolutionary worldview? ICR just published a new children’s book written by geologist Dr. Tim Clarey and his wife,...
Data Lead to Correct Post-Flood Boundary
For decades, creation scientists have debated the level at which the Flood ended in the rock record. In the past, many have based their conclusions on a cursory examination of the rocks, or concentrated...
More Problems with Iconic Milankovitch Paper
Secular scientists have a difficult time explaining an Ice Age, even though there is strong geological evidence that one occurred. In fact, creation scientists have long argued that the Genesis Flood...
More Evidence Lucy Was Just an Ape
Certain evolutionary scientists have talked of Lucy since the 1970s as a supposed ape-like ancestor of humans. It’s probably the world’s most famous extinct ape. The Lucy kind was roughly...
Sixtymile Formation Part of Genesis Flood
For many decades, creation scientists have included the Sixtymile Formation in Grand Canyon as part of the Sauk Megasequence that marks the onset of the global Flood.1 They based their conclusions...
ICR and Climate Change
Climate change really heats up the headlines. Alarmists clamor that human activity and man-made pollutants are catastrophically disrupting Earth’s weather patterns. But is it all just a bunch...
Squid, Octopus Genomes Alter Themselves, Blocking Evolution
A team of researchers from Israel and the U.S. are searching for animals that can edit their own RNA molecules. They encountered a standout. Unlike other animals that edit only a small fraction of the...
Horseshoe Crabs: Living Fossils or Living Laboratories?
The horseshoe crab is a marine arthropod and a testimony to the creative design and organization of God’s living creation. These odd crabs look much like crustaceans (lobsters, crabs and shrimp),...
Hasty Concretion Formation
Concretions are remarkable geological curiosities. They are spherical carbonate formations composed of mineral cement. Concretions are found near and far, from Western Kazakhstan to beaches in California....
Jurassic World 2 Opens
(Warning: the following article contains spoilers, although minimal.)
Everyone loves dinosaurs—especially in movies.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom opens today in theaters, bringing dinosaurs...
Century-Old Dinosaur Taxonomy Under Investigation
A recent article in New Scientist illustrates how difficult it is to classify various forms of life, such as dinosaurs, into groups.1 The article, based on a cover story (and a follow-up...
The Cambrian Explosion Mystery Deepens
Trilobites (a type of arthropod) appear in sedimentary rocks as part of the Cambrian Explosion.1 In this episode, all the major animal groups first appear as fossils. They appear suddenly,...
Could Designed Systems Explain Green Lizard Blood?
Green blood is not something you see every day. The recent search for why several species of lizards found in New Guinea have green blood assumes an evolutionary origin for these creatures. It seems...
Important Climate-Change Realism Paper Published
The greatest point of contention in the debate over “global warming” or “climate change” is not whether or not a significant increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) would...
Scientists Prove Limestone Can Form Quickly
Many environmentalists are concerned with the anthropogenic production of carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels. Research projects are being funded across the globe to find ways to sequester...
New Whale Fossil Harpoons Evolution
by Frank Sherwin and Jeffrey Tomkins
According to the evolutionary mantra, whales evolved from a dog-like land creature.1 And as the whale of a tale goes, over millions of years the...
Turtle Eggs Sense Temperature Changes
Remarkably, when a number of reptilian mothers (including lizards, snakes, turtles, and alligators) bury eggs in warm, incubating sand, all the eggs may produce offspring of the same gender. Females...
Intact Starch Granules in "Ancient" Plant Fossil
by Jeffrey Tomkins and Timothy Clarey*
Fossils keep revealing biomolecules that should be completely deteriorated and disintegrated if they are millions of years old. Scientists have just discovered...
Horned Dinosaurs Created as One Kind
A recent paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B may have inadvertently confirmed what the Bible revealed to us all along: Kinds only reproduce after their kinds.1
Homo naledi Bones Not Ritually Buried
Since Lee Berger and his team announced their discovery of Homo naledi,1 they have been claiming that the bones found in the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa, were deliberately disposed by...
Bajau Diver Study: Example of Circular Reasoning
Bajau divers of the Central Sulawesi peninsula in Indonesia are able to hold their breath and dive to amazing depths of over 200 feet using only rock weights and hand-made wooden goggles. Researchers...
Doolittle's Recycled Evolutionary Theory Is Old News
“What was old is new again” describes fashion cycles where young people today are wearing clothes and buying furniture styled after that of their grandparents. Evolutionary biology also...
Scientists Marvel at Seaweed's Living Opals
A common seaweed called rainbow wrack grows along Europe’s coasts, including tidal rock pools in the UK. Deep inside its cells, this marine plant uses oily chemicals to make opal look-alikes—“living...
ICR Discovery Center Update
ICR commissioned a well-known artist to create a 24-foot DNA sculpture for the discovery center’s outdoor fountain. Discover a T. rex at the ICR Discovery Center!
Secular Scientists Admit Dinosaurs Appeared Abruptly
ICR scientists have long pointed out that fossils, contrary to popular misperception, do not provide evidence for evolution, and a recent secular dinosaur study confirms this.1
ICR scientists...
Bill Nye, PBS Highlight Young-Earth Evidence
On April 18 of this year, The Public Broadcasting Corporation aired a documentary on its television show POV entitled “Bill Nye, Science Guy.” It can be viewed at the pbs.org website.1...
Moth Fossils Pester Insect Evolution
Recently, moth fossils imbedded in both ancient amber and rocks have been analyzed in excruciating detail. Using a variety of high-powered microscopes, scientists wanted to see how much evolution occurred...
What's All the Flap About?
In the last few decades, there has been a lot of discussion by prominent paleontologists who imply that dinosaurs and birds are closely related. Many of these paleontologists go even further, suggesting...
Nearby Galaxy Has Almost No Dark Matter
A team of astronomers recently concluded that a nearby spheroidal galaxy, designated as NGC1052-DF2, contains very little, if any, dark matter.1,2 Since Big Bang scientists use dark matter...
Homo naledi had Lucy-Like Hips
Hips can reveal many things about fossilized organisms, especially when it comes to mammals. They can indicate the difference between species and even reveal the differences between the sexes of the...
Protein Discovery Confirms Design
Fungal infections can be a pain to eradicate. But new results show why these infections can take an even tighter hold on people or animals that are missing a specific protein. The international research...
Denisovan DNA Shown to Be Human...Again
Denisovans are ancient humans represented by various teeth and a finger bone found in a Siberian cave. Their claim to fame is largely based on the DNA extracted from these few fragments of human remains....
Excess Lithium in Milky Way Halo Stars
A recent news article1 reported that certain types of stars2 in our Milky Way Galaxy have more lithium (Li) in their stellar atmosphere than the current models predict.
Stick Spider Adaptation Is Purposeful and Predictable
A long-standing evolutionary argument is that creature diversity is essentially a random process. But new discoveries increasingly show serious flaws in this claim and are highly consistent with a design-based...
Genesis Flood Explains Bloat-and-Float Dinosaurs
A new research paper claims to have solved the mystery of why most ankylosaur dinosaur fossils are found upside down.1 Lead author Dr. Jordan Mallon, from the Canadian Museum of Nature in...
Archaeological Evidence for Prophet Isaiah
Recently, Israeli archaeologist Eilat Mazar and her team made a stunning discovery during excavations in Jerusalem. It provides strong support for the reality of Isaiah and his Old Testament world.
Stellar Superflare Reminder: Our Sun Is Special
Astronomers recently detected an enormous but short-lived increase in radiation from the nearby star Proxima Centauri.1,2 This radiation burst, known as a flare, caused the star to become a...
Famous Physicist Stephen Hawking Dies at 76
Well-known physicist and atheist Stephen Hawking died at age 76 on March 14, 2018. He uniquely bridged the gap between ivory-tower academia and popular culture.
ICR nuclear physicist Dr. Vernon...
"Selfish Gene" Metaphor Misleads Evolutionists
A recent opinion piece posted on the Chemistry World website1 notes that Richard Dawkins’ 1976 book The Selfish Gene deeply motivated a generation of biologists to adopt a gene-centered...
3-D Praying Mantis Vision Confounds Evolution
In the animal kingdom, many types of creatures use stereo vision to determine the distances between them and visible objects. In humans, each of our eyes records a slightly different version of what...
Secular Scientists: Earth's Inner Core Shouldn't Exist!
Earth’s iron-nickel core has a solid inner layer and a liquid outer layer. A recent paper presents a huge dilemma for naturalistic explanations of Earth’s origin. Earth’s solid inner...
Plate Tectonics After Fifty Years
The theory of plate tectonics recently turned fifty. Contrary to the claims of its critics, the theory of plate tectonics is derived from empirical data collected over many decades by geologists and...
ICR Discovery Center Update
I’m excited to showcase our cutting-edge research in the new ICR Discovery Center. One of the rooms will display a 48-inch globe that will track the progression of the Flood from Day 1 to around...
New Diet Study Matches Genesis
Dr. Christopher Gardner, director of nutrition studies at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, and his colleagues conducted a study on 609 overweight and obese adults living in San Francisco’s...
Planaria Genome Loaded with Design Evidence
The planaria, a type of flatworm, has an amazing capacity to regenerate a new body from just fragments of tissue. Its genome has just been sequenced. The surprising result is a completely unexpected...
The Holy Grail of Dinosaurs?
A recent article by a team of paleontologists, led by Hesham Sallam, of Mansoura University, Egypt, claims to have found the Holy Grail of dinosaurs in the middle of Egypt.1 The Genesis Flood...
ICR Discovery Center Update
In winter, we usually think of hunkering down, staying in, and slowing the pace. But even when Dallas got colder than Antarctica, crews were hard at work building the ICR Discovery Center for Science...
Evolutionists Celebrate Darwin Day
February 12th is Darwin Day—Charles Darwin’s birthday. Many secular and humanist organizations set aside this day to honor Darwin and his legacy. According to the International...
Secret Eugenics Conference Has Dark Darwinian Roots
A breaking news story by the London Student in early January exposed a “secret” eugenics conference held annually at University College London (UCL) since 2014.1 The article clearly...
Big Bang Hubble Contradiction
Big Bang scientists are wrestling with “serious” contradictory estimates for the size of the Hubble constant—one of the most important numbers in cosmology.1,2 The Hubble...
New Zealand's Giant Burrowing Bat
Bats are found throughout America, but in certain areas of the country (e.g., the southwest) bats are the reason tourists visit. They gather and watch these mammals surge into the evening sky. The bats...
Evolution Didn't Make Top 2017 Science News
For decades, secular authors and science writers have reviewed each past year and listed the top accomplishments in the various fields of life and physical sciences. What is common to all these annual...
Gene Control in Mice Points Toward Design
Darwin proposed that evolution happens externally, that the environment shapes organisms. But a growing amount of evidence suggests the opposite: Most changes happen because the organisms themselves...
Stromatolites by Land and by Sea
Scientists believed stromatolites were extinct—until they found them living in Shark Bay, Australia, in 1956.2 Living stromatolites just keep popping up in newer and more diverse environments....
Evidence of Fountains of the Great Deep?
Two recent articles in Nature Geoscience may provide important validations of the global Flood. Did researchers find evidence of the “fountains of the great deep” that started the deluge?
'RNA World' Paper Retracted
The whole concept of how life originated is an insurmountable naturalistic hurdle. Life requires DNA, RNA, and protein in an interdependent triad in which each molecule is wholly dependent on the other...
Whale Fin Inspires Safer Racing Wheels
Road bicycle racers are exciting to watch as they race in tight packs at speeds between 30-40 miles per hour. Cycling is a risky sport, and numerous racers have been injured or killed as they contend...
Secular Scientists Dumbfounded by Saturn's Young Rings
Data obtained by an instrument aboard the Cassini space probe have convinced planetary scientists that Saturn’s rings can be no more than a few hundred million years old.1 These new...
Is Global Sea Level Rising?
Some are concerned that global warming will cause the polar ice caps to melt, leading to an increase in global sea level. If such a rise in sea level occurred slowly, coastal peoples would have time...
Best of 2017: Sixth Extinction
Geologists reassessed the abundance of fossils in Earth’s uppermost rock layers this year, and they believe they found a remarkable sixth global extinction event.1 Their discovery has...
Best of 2017: Fleshy Fossils
The Institute for Creation Research has monitored the steady flow of fresh-looking fossils for over a decade. The year 2017 was impressive with its discoveries of biochemical variety that includes proteins,...
Poll: Half of Humanity Believes in Aliens
Marketing research group Glocalities conducted a 24-country survey about people’s belief in aliens. They released their results just before the next widely anticipated Star Wars installment. How...
Joy to the World
Then the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.’” (Luke 2:10)
When God became man and Jesus was...
Rapid Finch Speciation Counters Evolution
About a dozen species of Darwin’s famous finches inhabit the various Galapagos Islands. Textbooks have long used these animals as examples of evolution. Now, Peter and Rosemary Grant, career researchers...
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