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Clocks in Rocks? Radioactive Dating, Part 1 - Sep 30, 2014
/article/clocks-rocks-radioactive-dating-partVernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... David Gross at 23rd Solvay Conference in December 2005 Radioactive dating is a key concept in determining the age of the earth. Many secular scientists use it to dismantle the faith of Christians and cause them to accept uniformitarian...
The Iconic Isochron: Radioactive Dating, Part 2 - Oct 31, 2014
/article/iconic-isochron-radioactive-datingVernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... evidences that evolutionists universally appeal to is radioactive dating because it appears to supply the deep time their evolutionary models demand. But how accurate is their model, and how scientific is their approach? In this article...
The Noble Clock: Radioactive Dating, Part 3 - Nov 28, 2014
/article/noble-clock-radioactive-dating-partVernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... dating methods—many of which are quite elaborate—have numerous physical condition requirements that cannot realistically remain unaffected over millions and perhaps billions of years. Since the potassium-argon dating...
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... a wide range of responses to Dr. Vernon Cupps’ recent radioactive dating Impact articles. Most readers appreciate the hard science, but many have struggled with the equations. The purpose of this series is to demonstrate in no uncertain...
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... a wide range of responses to Dr. Vernon Cupps’ recent radioactive dating Impact articles. Most readers appreciate the hard science, but many have struggled with the equations. The purpose of this series is to demonstrate in no uncertain...
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... Creation Research to further dispel the common notion that radioactive dating somehow proves the earth is billions of years old. The detailed investigation presented in this series provides a compelling case that radioisotope dating does not...
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... Creation Research to further dispel the common notion that radioactive dating somehow proves the earth is billions of years old. The detailed investigation presented in this series provides a compelling case that radioisotope dating does not...
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - 7. References Cupps, V. R. 2014. Clocks in Rocks? Radioactive Dating, Part 1. Acts & Facts. 43 (10): 8-11; Cupps, V. R. 2014. The Iconic Isochron: Radioactive Dating, Part 2. Acts & Facts. 43 (11): 10-13; Cupps, V. R. 2014. The...
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - 7. References Cupps, V. R. 2014. Clocks in Rocks? Radioactive Dating, Part 1. Acts & Facts. 43 (10): 8-11; Cupps, V. R. 2014. The Iconic Isochron: Radioactive Dating, Part 2. Acts & Facts. 43 (11): 10-13; Cupps, V. R. 2014. The...
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... article of the series examines the common-lead method of radioactive dating, sometimes referred to as the Pb-Pb method. This method reaches the pinnacle of radioisotope dating methods in terms of complication and convolution. Since we do not...
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... article of the series examines the common-lead method of radioactive dating, sometimes referred to as the Pb-Pb method. This method reaches the pinnacle of radioisotope dating methods in terms of complication and convolution. Since we do not...
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... their beliefs with various scientific models such as the radioactive dating methods we have been examining in this series. This article will address the uranium-lead (U-Pb) and thorium-lead (Th-Pb) models. Along with stratigraphic...
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... their beliefs with various scientific models such as the radioactive dating methods we have been examining in this series. This article will address the uranium-lead (U-Pb) and thorium-lead (Th-Pb) models. Along with stratigraphic...
New Findings Challenge Secular Dating Models - Aug 16, 2018
/article/new-findings-challenge-secular-dating-modelsVernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... mixing models. 5. Cupps, V. 2014. The Iconic Isochron: Radioactive Dating Part 2. Acts & Facts. 43 (11): 10-13. 6. Differential isotopic diffusion: Different isotopes will diffuse at different rates within a given substance. For...