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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
44:8 Selah. This note of pause and reflection ends what might be called the first stanza of this “psalm of the martyrs.” Although speaking of God’s power in bringing victory to Israel in this first period of existence, most of it cannot be assigned to any particular event in her history. It may be intended for appropriation by either Israel’s martyrs or the martyrs of Christianity in any period or periods of history.
44:14 byword among the heathen. This prophecy was fulfilled in the age-long hatred and ridicule of the Israelites by the Gentile peoples, as predicted even earlier by Moses (Deuteronomy 28:37).
44:17 not forgotten thee. The prophecy of Psalm 44:14 was fulfilled because Israel had forgotten God. The martyrs mentioned here, however, were suffering in spite of being faithful, indicating that they were Christian martyrs suffering for Christ’s sake (Philippians 1:29). It may also apply to small remnants of faithful Israelites during times of national judgment, such as Daniel.
44:22 killed all the day long. This has certainly been fulfilled in the many persecutions of the Jews through the ages, most recently in the Nazi holocaust. Paul also indicated the same would apply to Gentile Christians when quoting this verse in Romans 8:36.