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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
107:1 endureth for ever. Psalm 107 stresses eternal values, and is thus essentially prophetic in scope, foreseeing future times of trouble and chastisement for the people of God in every age, with the mercy and power of the Lord always ready to deliver them when they call upon Him.
107:2 say so. This psalm, as an exhortation to open public testimony to the Lord and His great work of redemption, opens Book V of the Psalms. It clearly goes well beyond the direct experiences of Israel, especially at the time it was written. Presumably it could—and should—be applied to people everywhere.
107:3 from the south. This could not refer to the return from exile in Babylon or Assyria. Both were to the east of Israel, whereas the psalm envisions believers being gathered from all over the world. It may apply to the regathering of Israelites from all the nations in the last days, as do many other prophecies (e.g., Ezekiel 37:21). More likely, it applies in a broader sense to the calling of people from every nation through the saving gospel of Christ.
107:6 cried unto the LORD. This verse is repeated in Psalm 107:13,19, and 28. Compare Judges 2:10-23. This cyclic drama of backsliding and revival has been repeatedly illustrated in the history of both Israel and Christianity.
107:8 for his goodness. This stirring exhortation is repeated in Psalm 107:15,21 and 31. It speaks of all “the children of men” (or, literally, “the children of Adam”), not just the children of Israel. This is further indication that Psalm 107 applies in general to all people.
107:11 they rebelled. This indictment surely applies to the whole world, beginning at Babel (note Romans 1:21-25), and continuing everywhere today.
107:29 maketh the storm a calm. See Mark 4:39 for a demonstration of His literal power to do this. “Peace, be still,” He said. “And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”
Psalm 108 (title) Psalm of David. This psalm is composed mainly of portions from Psalm 57:7-11 (Psalm 108:1-5) and Psalm 60:5-12 (Psalm 108:6-13).