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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
16:4 for himself. This is the best answer that can be given to the age-long question about God’s purpose in creation. There is even a purpose in His ordaining a day of judgment for which the wicked were made, thereby eliciting yet greater love and thanksgiving in the hearts of the redeemed.
16:11 just weight and balance. Note that Biblical morality involves honest commercial transactions as well as personal holiness.
16:18 Pride. Pride was the primeval sin of Satan before his fall (I Timothy 3:6). Note I Corinthians 10:12.
16:18 an haughty spirit. This is the middle verse of the book of Proverbs, and surely presents a vital truth. Although the sin of pride is not named as such in the Ten Commandments, it is implied in the very first (“no other gods before me”).
16:25 ways of death. See the same verse in Proverbs 14:12. This is an important truth.