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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
11:25 The liberal soul. The term “liberal” has degenerated in recent decades from its basic meaning. A theological liberal now means a person who feels free to interpret the Scriptures in accord with modern evolutionary thinking. In its Biblical context, of course, it refers to a person who in generous with his money to help others.
11:29 inherit the wind. This phrase, “inherit the wind” was appropriated as the title for a motion picture about the infamous Scopes evolution trial, a movie strongly favoring evolution. The fact is, however, that it is the evolutionary humanists who are troubling America’s house.
11:30 tree of life. See note on Proverbs 3:18 for the figurative uses in Proverbs for the “tree of life.”
11:30 winneth souls. This favorite verse of soul-winners relates the “taking of souls” to true wisdom and righteousness, both of which are associated with the tree of life.