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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
21:2 two mites. The Jewish “mite” (Greek lepton) was a small bronze or copper coin, smaller than our dime. It was called a “mite” by early English writers because of what they thought was a tiny bug (actually intended as a star) stamped on its face.
21:5 some spake of the temple. This discussion initiated what has come to be known as Christ’s Olivet discourse, prophesying things to come, beginning with the imminent destruction of the temple (Luke 21:6), then the worldwide dispersion of the Jews (Luke 21:24) and the course of the ensuing age, climaxed by the second coming of Christ (Luke 21:27). The discourse is also reported in Matthew 24 and Mark 13, and one must carefully follow all three concurrently to see it in its entirety. The most complete account is in Matthew 24, and most of the explanatory notes have accordingly been placed there.
21:11 fearful sights. Only Luke’s account includes “fearful sights and great signs from heaven” among the signs of the nearness of Christ’s return. In recent decades, many people have, indeed, reported seeing such things (i.e., UFOs and their associated phenomena), but the great majority of people have not. On the other hand, the other signs (world wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes) are common knowledge to all. Perhaps there is a partial fulfillment in the man-made phenomena seen in space—the space probes, moon landings, orbiting satellites, space platforms, and even giant radio telescopes searching for signals from the stars. Since only Luke mentions this, however, and since he mentions it last of all, perhaps this particular sign is still future (note, e.g., Revelation 6:12-14), in contrast to the other signs, which seem already to have been fulfilled (see note on Matthew 24:7). At this point in time, we can hardly be dogmatic.
21:12 before all these. At this point, Christ reverts back to the course of the age between His ascension and the already mentioned signs of His imminent return.
21:12 being brought before kings. Mark here adds the further note that they shall also be delivered up to councils and that, in the synagogues they shall be beaten (Mark 13:9). Mention of being brought before councils for Christ’s sake evidently goes well beyond the apostolic period, looking ahead to the persecution of Christian believers during the entire church age.
21:18 perish. The Lord is undoubtedly speaking here of the resurrection and future life, for many Christians later died as martyrs, including most of these disciples.
21:19 patience. Literally, this can be read: “In your steadfastness, you will save your souls.” Patience under persecution is a mark of true Christianity.
21:20 compassed with armies. In context, this sign refers to the future siege of Jerusalem by Titus, climaxing with its invasion and destruction in A.D. 70. Seeing Jerusalem surrounded by Roman armies would be the signal for believers to flee to the mountains. This event can be considered as a type of the coming flight during the great tribulation period, except that then the sign will be seeing the abomination of desolation set up in the rebuilt temple by the Antichrist (Matthew 24:15,16). In the meantime, after the destruction of the temple by Titus in A.D. 70, Jerusalem was more completely “desolated” by Hadrian’s armies in A.D. 135.
21:24 into all nations. This remarkable prophecy of Jesus was made approximately a whole century before it was finally fulfilled in A.D. 135, and it continued in effect then for about eighteen centuries, until the Jews finally began to return to their promised land of Israel, beginning after World War I.
21:24 times of the Gentiles. Jerusalem, the great capital city of the Jews, continued to be under Gentile control until the Israelis recaptured it from the Arabs in 1967. In fact, the essential area of Jerusalem—that is, the sacred site of its ancient temple—is still to this day under control of the Muslim Arabs. Thus, the “times of the Gentiles” have not yet been fulfilled, nor will they be until Christ returns to reign there.
21:25 with perplexity. The distress and perplexity of the world’s nations seem to increase each year, but this is nothing compared to that which is coming (Mark 13:19).
21:27 and great glory. The coming of Christ in glory to reign on earth immediately follows the great tribulation (Matthew 24:29-30).
21:28 begin to come to pass. When all the signs given in the Olivet discourse are just beginning to be fulfilled, then Christ says His coming is very near! Although we cannot know the date, we can therefore be sure that He is coming very soon.
21:29 all the trees. This section (Luke 21:29-33) is also reported in Matthew 24:32-35 and Mark 13:28-31, with the explanatory notes on its prophetic significance given with the Matthew account. As noted there, the budding fig tree referred to the future return of the Jews to Israel, still in a state of unbelief. Only Luke, however, indicates that “all the trees” would simultaneously “shoot forth,” along with the fig tree. This seems to indicate that Israel’s neighboring nations, long dormant and of little consequence in world affairs, would again grow and become significant in the latter days. Witness the resurgence in recent decades of such ancient nations as Egypt, Syria, Iran (same as Persia), Iraq (same as Assyro/Babylonia), and others.
21:34 come upon you unawares. These verses (Luke 21:34-36) appear only in Luke. The emphasis on the suddenness of the coming of “that day” can only apply to the initial phase of Christ’s second coming, or “the rapture.” Compare I John 2:28.
21:35 the whole earth. The suddenness of the event will take place on the whole earth simultaneously, as Christ had already told them (Luke 17:34-36).
21:36 stand before. Only those will “stand before the Son of man” who are “accounted worthy” to be taken at the rapture. There apparently is a real possibility that one may “profess” faith in Christ without “possessing” real faith. Note II Peter 1:10; II Corinthians 13:5.