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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
19:20 skin of my teeth. This is a pungent reference to the loss of his teeth, leaving only the “skin” or gums that formerly secured them.
19:23 printed in a book. Job’s strong desire to write of his experiences, as expressed here, as well as the fact that no one except he could actually know them, makes it almost certain that he was the original author of the book of Job.
19:24 in the rock. In accord with the common practices of that age, Job would write his record on stone tablets. These somehow must eventually have come into the possession of Moses who, according to uniform Jewish tradition, later published them.
19:25 my redeemer. This great statement of faith answers Job’s earlier question about a future resurrection (Job 14:14).
19:27 mine eyes shall behold. Job thus somehow knows that he himself will again have eyes to see with, even after worms have destroyed his body. This will be at the latter day, when God again stands on the earth.