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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
14:3 idols in their heart. The elders of Israel in Babylon no longer had actual images to worship, but kept these “idols in their heart,” still thinking they could somehow get back to Jerusalem, ignoring God’s instructions.
14:14 Noah, Daniel and Job. Noah (Genesis 6:9), Daniel (Daniel 1:4,17), and Job (Job 1:8) were the most godly men of their respective generations. Noah lived before the Flood, Job after the Flood but prior to Israel, and Daniel was a contemporary Israelite. It is significant that Ezekiel already knew of Daniel’s reputation in Babylon. Note also Ezekiel 14:20.
14:14 Lord GOD. This divine name, “the Lord GOD” (Hebrew Adonai Yahweh, as distinct from the more common Yahweh Elohim) is very frequent in Ezekiel, occurring over two hundred times, whereas it is used only about one hundred times in all the rest of the Old Testament.
14:20 Job. The historicity of each of these three men has been denied by Bible critics. Ezekiel, however, confirms both their historical existence and their exemplary lives.