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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
2:7 my father did provide. David had been as diligent in providing qualified workmen for the future temple as he had in providing great stores of valuable materials (I Chronicles 22:15).
2:10 twenty thousand measures. This amount is equivalent to about 125,000 bushels. Twenty thousand baths (liquid measure) corresponds to about 115,000 gallons.
2:12 Huram. “Huram” is the same as “Hiram,” as he is commonly referred to in Kings and I Chronicles. He was the greatest king of Tyre in its earlier days of eminence as a Mediterranean power.
2:12 heaven and earth. This eulogy would indicate that Hiram knew the true God of creation, or at least recognized His existence and preeminence, despite his background among the pagan Phoenicians. Possibly his many friendly contacts with David had at least partially converted him. If so, his influence did not last long, as his country later was a center of Baal worship. A later king of Tyre seems even to have been Satan-possessed (Ezekiel 28:12-19).
2:17 all the strangers. These “strangers” were evidently from the Canaanite tribes conquered by Joshua or later Israelite leaders and put to servitude, perhaps partially fulfilling the ancient Noahic prophecy (Genesis 9:26). See also II Chronicles 8:7-9.
2:18 three thousand and six hundred. The 3600 “overseers” (II Chronicles 2:18), directing the labor of the 70,000 bearers of burdens and 80,000 stonecutters were actually Israelites (I Kings 5:16).