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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
16:7 this psalm. Portions of this psalm of thanksgiving have been included in the collections in the Book of Psalms. I Chronicles 16:8-22 is repeated in Psalm 105:1-15; I Chronicles 16:23-33 is also found in Psalm 96:1-13; and I Chronicles 16:34-36 is included in Psalm 106:1,47-48.
16:15 thousand generations. The term “a thousand generations” is not meant as a quantitative summary of the number of years to be covered by the Abrahamic covenant, but rather as poetic hyperbole, corresponding actually to “an everlasting covenant” (I Chronicles 16:17).
16:17 everlasting covenant. It was appropriate that, at the institution of the prescribed worship ceremonies at the tabernacle in Jerusalem, David should remind the people that the covenant God had made with Abraham (Genesis 17:7) was “everlasting.” The people seemed to forget it repeatedly, but God has not forgotten.
16:22 Touch not mine anointed. David was probably referring here in particular to God’s warning to Abimelech concerning Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 20:7). Abraham was there called a “prophet,” the first time the word was used in the Bible.
16:26 gods of the people. See also Psalm 96:5. The God of the Bible is not merely one among many gods, who are worshiped by pagans as the host of heaven. The one true God—the God of creation—made these heavens, and all their hosts, including the idol “gods,” the fallen angels.
16:34 mercy endureth. This is the first of forty-two occurrences in the Old Testament of the wonderful phrase: “His mercy endureth forever.” Note especially Psalm 136.
16:39 that was at Gibeon. For a considerable time, the Mosaic tabernacle had been at Gibeon, with Zadok (in the line of Eleazar, Aaron’s son) serving as priest. When David built a tabernacle at Jerusalem and brought the ark there, Abiathar (descended from Aaron’s other son, Ithamar) officiated as priest there. This double arrangement apparently continued until the Solomonic temple was complete, at which time Zadok and his line were made high priests (I Kings 2:35).