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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
69:4 without a cause. This was fulfilled most specifically in Jesus Christ, as He asserted in John 15:25 (note also Psalm 35:19). It continues to be fulfilled today as multitudes hate Him and would destroy His followers if they could.
69:5 my sins. The Messiah of whom this psalm is prophesying had no sins of His own, of course, but He willingly took “our sins in His own body” and was made “sin for us” (I Peter 2:24; II Corinthians 5:21).
69:8 stranger unto my brethren. This is a prophecy often fulfilled in the lives of those who yield their hearts unreservedly to Christ, but most specifically fulfilled in the unbelief of Christ’s own human siblings. Note John 7:3-5. Also note the psalm speaks of “my mother’s children,” since Christ had no human father.
69:9 eaten me up. Cited in John 2:17, in reference to Christ’s purging of the temple, an act which certainly incurred the wrath of the religious leaders who were desecrating the temple with their covetousness.
69:21 in my thirst. This was fulfilled when Christ spoke on the cross of His thirst, being careful to fulfill everything that the prophets had written (John 19:28-30). The entire 69th psalm depicts His grief and humiliation.
69:22 table become a snare. Psalm 69:22,
23, is cited by Paul in Romans 11:9,10, as having been fulfilled in Israel when that nation rejected Christ.
69:25 habitation be desolate. A prophecy repeated and enlarged by Christ (Matthew 23:38), precursively fulfilled in Judas (Acts 1:20), and fully implemented in the destruction of Jerusalem and the worldwide dispersion of those who had Him crucified.
69:28 book of the living. This “book of the living” is undoubtedly equivalent to “the book of life,” as it is called in the New Testament (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:5; 20:15; 22:19).
69:34 heaven and earth praise him. God’s marvelous creation is, in its beauty and complexity, always giving a testimony of praise to its Creator, at least for those with spiritual eyes and ears to hear and see it. Note also Psalm 19:1; 96:11-13; 145:10; 148:3-10; 150:6. Jesus said on one occasion that if men should refuse to praise Him, “the stones would immediately cry out” (Luke 19:40).