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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
18:10 strong tower. The Lord is often symbolized by a strong tower of refuge and safety (Psalm 18:2; 61:3; 144:2).
18:10 runneth into it. One should run to the Lord, not hesitate. It is interesting to note those who are said to have run to Christ: (1) the demon-possessed man seeking deliverance (Mark 5:6); (2) the young man seeking eternal life (Mark 10:17); (3) the unhappy wealthy man (Luke 19:4); (4) the concerned observer at the cross (Mark 15:36); (5) John and Peter on hearing of the opened tomb (John 20:4,8).
18:18 The lot. The casting of lots to make decisions is mentioned often in Scripture, and always in a positive sense (Esther 3:7; Proverbs 16:33; Acts 1:26; etc.).
18:22 findeth a wife. “It is not good that a man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). In an age when monogamous marriage between a man and woman for life is increasingly being rejected, it is important for believers to take a strong and persistent stand on this vital truth.