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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
7:5 believe in him. This is hard to understand, except as a sad commentary on human nature. It is also a fulfilled prophecy: “I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother’s children” (Psalm 69:8).
7:6 not yet come. This was the same answer Jesus gave His mother when she wanted him to provide wine for the drunken wedding guests at Cana (see note on John 2:4).
7:10 then went he also. He had declined the sarcastic invitation of his brothers to go with them to Jerusalem, although He intended to go later for other reasons than intended by His brothers. It was not yet time to reveal Himself as the promised Messiah.
7:15 the Jews marvelled. Jesus’ wisdom was, indeed, a marvel. He had never studied in a rabbinical school, but He had studied the Scriptures on His own from childhood, so that He had “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). His profound knowledge of Scripture, acquired through application of His own perfect humanity, uncontaminated by either inherent sin or actual sin, is indicated by His frequent quoting and incisive interpretation of Scripture. Just when or how or by what process His human nature became aware of His eternally preexistent divine nature must remain unfathomably mysterious to our own limited understanding. By this time in His life, however, both natures were fully manifest to Himself, so that we can see both co-existing in His life and teachings.
7:17 If any man will. This could be read: “If any man sincerely wants to do His will, he shall know….” Thus the first prerequisite to ascertaining God’s leading in some matter, or the truth about some doctrinal question, is a genuine willingness to believe the truth and to follow God’s will before they are made known, even if the answer goes against one’s preference.
7:24 judge righteous judgment. This does not contradict Christ’s earlier command to “judge not” (Matthew 7:1). The latter command has to do with arbitrary condemnation—only God can “judge” in that sense. We are, however, expected to discern and evaluate doctrine and practice, and govern our own actions accordingly.
7:34 shall not find me. After His resurrection, the Jews must have been very anxious to find His body, for they knew the tomb was empty, but they would never be able to find it, for He had returned to heaven.
7:37 the last day. This phrase is referring to the final day of the eight-day annual Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:34-36; John 7:2).
7:37 come unto me. Here is still another clear affirmation by Jesus of His own deity. Only God (or a madman thinking he was God) could make such a statement as recorded here in John 7:37-38. The promise was abundantly fulfilled with the coming of the Holy Spirit after Jesus returned to the Father (Acts 2:17-21, 38-41) and His indwelling presence and guidance of believers ever since.
7:40 the Prophet. This passage refers to the Prophet like Moses promised in Deuteronomy 18:15,18.
7:41 Galilee. Nazareth was in Galilee, and most of Christ’s ministry had been in Galilee. The people at this time apparently were unaware of His background.
7:46 Never man spake. Jesus was God’s “Wonderful Counselor” (Isaiah 9:6), and “His word was with power” (Luke 4:32). Note also Psalm 45:2; Luke 4:22.
7:50 Nicodemus. Nicodemus, already deeply impressed by Jesus, thus took an unpopular stand for Him here before his fellow members of the Council. Much must have transpired in his life between John 3:1 and John 19:39, when he fully identified himself with Jesus.