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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
31:1 covenant with mine eyes. Job deliberately refused to allow any thoughts of lust to enter his mind when he chanced to see an attractive young woman. Note Christ’s warning in Matthew 5:28.
31:4 count all my steps. God has counted the number of stars (Psalm 147:4), the number of hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:30), and even the number of our steps! God is omniscient.
31:5 If I have walked. Continuing to review his own record of righteousness (see Job 29), he makes some sixteen or more propositions beginning in effect with “If I...had committed some sin of either commission or omission” and terminating with “Then I...should be appropriately judged and chastised.” He insisted that he was innocent of all such sins.
31:26 walking in brightness. Job seemed to understand that the moon does not emit its own light, but reflects the light of the sun. He differentiates between the shining of the sun, and refers to the moon merely “walking” in the sun’s brightness.
31:27 kissed my hand. This seems to have been a ritualistic kiss associated with worshipping various nature gods, thus denying the one true God, who had created his hand—“the God that is above” (Job 31:28).
31:33 Adam. Adam was still known to Job by name, though he had no access to the records now preserved in the book of Genesis. He also knew about the sin of Adam, and how he had tried unsuccessfully to hide from God.
31:35 mine adversary. Job did not regard God as his enemy. The terminology is that of a courtroom, and Job is expressing his desire that he might be informed of the charges against him.
31:40 thistles. Job is here invoking God’s primeval curse (Genesis 3:18) on his possessions if he is guilty of any known and unrepentant sin. Despite all the harsh charges of his erstwhile friends, Job insistently maintained both his faith in God and his righteous character and behavior, right up to the last.