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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
51:2 fanners. That is, “winnowers,” or scatterers of wheat to winnow out the chaff from the grain.
51:7 all the earth drunken. The baleful influence of Babylon extends far beyond the time of Nebuchadnezzar, all the way back to its founder, Nimrod (Genesis 10:9-10). As a result, Babylon is called “the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” (Revelation 17:5).
51:15 made the earth. This great testimony of divine creation is repeated from Jeremiah 10:12,13, and Jeremiah 51:16 and is very similar to Psalm 135:7. See the notes on these verses, all of which contain a remarkably modern anticipatory commentary on the hydrologic cycle.
51:19 portion of Jacob. The “portion of Jacob” is none other than “the former of all things,” the Creator, entirely unlike the gods made by human hands or invented by human philosophies.
51:34 like a dragon. These charges against Nebuchadnezzar are obviously expressed in figurative terms, and one is especially intriguing—that of him “swallowing me up like a dragon.” For this expression to be meaningful, the “dragon” (Hebrew tannin) would have to be an animal capable of swallowing a man whole. This requirement adds to the many other evidences that the Biblical “dragons” were actually great dinosaurs, or dinosaur-like sea monsters (see also Jeremiah 51:37).
51:42 Babylon. This event has not yet taken place, but will certainly occur in the end-times when Babylon has been rebuilt and then finally completely destroyed. See Revelation 18:21.
51:45 go ye out of the midst of her. This exhortation is echoed in end-time Babylon (Revelation 18:4), but could also be applied to any believer involved in apostate churches or other religious organizations. See also Jeremiah 51:63-64.