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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
8:1 Maher-shalalhash-baz. This name, meaning “speedy prey,” is the longest name in the Bible.
8:8 O Immanuel. The prophecy of the coming virgin-born son indicated His name would be Immanuel. In this verse, the prophecy is added that the land that would be invaded and badly damaged by the Assyrians actually belonged, not just to Israel or Judah, but to Immanuel (“God with us”). It must, therefore, eventually be redeemed and restored to its divinely intended purpose.
8:13 Sanctify the LORD. This word of both comfort and warning to the professing followers of God in Isaiah’s day was applied later by the Apostle Peter to the persecuted Christians of the early church (compare Isaiah 8:12-13 with I Peter 3:14, 15).
8:14 stone of stumbling. The Lord Jesus and His gracious provision of salvation is a wonderful sanctuary for those who truly fear the Lord, but such concepts are simply offensive to those who do not believe. Christ as a stumbling stone and a smiting stone is frequently depicted in Scriptures (e.g., I Peter 2:8; I Corinthians 1:23; Matthew 21:44).
8:19 familiar. Throughout Scripture, the Lord unequivocally condemns consultation with spirit mediums, fortune-tellers, astrologers, witches and all other occult sources of supposed knowledge and guidance. The New Age movement involves a plethora of such activities, and should be avoided by all Christian believers.
8:20 To the law. The “law and testimony”—that is, the written Word of God—provide all the counsel and guidance we need. The Holy Scriptures are given “that the man of God may be perfect” (II Timothy 3:17).