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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
43:9 surety for him. Judah was only the fourth of Jacob’s sons, but at this crisis, he begins to assume the family leadership. His offer to be “surety” for Benjamin, if necessary, substituting his life for Benjamin’s life (Genesis 44:32-33), reveals a sacrificial character that is Christ-like.
43:26 bowed themselves. There were at least five times when Joseph’s brothers fulfilled the implied prophecy in his long-ago dream (Genesis 37:7) by bowing down to him (Genesis 42:6; 43:26,28; 44:14; 50:18).
43:33 the men marvelled. No wonder they marveled! The probability that eleven men could be “accidentally” arranged in order of age is only one chance out of 39,917,000 (calculated by multiplying the numbers one through eleven together). Putting it another way, there are almost forty million different ways in which eleven men could be seated.