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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
44:2 shall not be opened. This “east gate” has, indeed, long been completely sealed. Whatever reason the Muslim rulers of Jerusalem may have had for this action at the time, the most remarkable testimony of this verse is that “the LORD, the God of Israel, once entered in by it.” That is, the Creator, Jehovah, the God of Israel, had become a man, that He might actually enter the temple through the east gate, the gate through which Ezekiel had just seen the shekinah glory come into the house (Ezekiel 43:4). In the new temple, the gate will be open again, and the God/man, the King of kings, Jesus Christ, will enter thereby.
44:3 for the prince. The gate will also be open for “the prince” (see note on Ezekiel 34:24), probably King David. The “prince” cannot be the Lord Jesus, for he has “sons” (Ezekiel 46:16).
44:4 filled the house. Once again, the glory of the Lord will fill His temple (Exodus 40:34; I Kings 8:11).
44:5 mark well. Even though this is the millennial temple and the Lord Jesus reigns, there will still be people entering that kingdom who have not yet died. They will have been judged worthy to enter the kingdom, having been saved by faith in Christ (see note on Matthew 25:46). However, their descendants during this thousand-year period may not be, whether Jews or Gentiles (see note on Revelation 20:7), and so these laws of worship and behavior must be enforced, especially for those ministering in the temple.