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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
9:2 come alike to all. Since “all have sinned” (note Ecclesiastes 7:20), therefore all deserve nothing good from God. Nevertheless, God has done good to all in countless ways (see Acts 14:17, for example). For the present, “the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together” (Romans 8:22).
9:5 dead know not. This does not mean that there is no future life or consciousness after death, but only that nothing more can be done to earn heavenly rewards. Even the greatest men are soon forgotten after they die; thus it is important to make one’s brief life span as productive for God as possible.
9:9 the wife whom thou lovest. Note Proverbs 5:15-19 and Song of Solomon (Introduction) and contrast Ecclesiastes 7:28. In retrospect, King Solomon was well able from his sad experience with multiple wives to urge the far better way of monogamy.
9:10 with thy might. Note Colossians 3:23. God does not expect more than we can do, but He does require that we do whatever we can do “heartily, as unto the Lord” and that we do it “with our might.”
9:14 There was a little city. This is probably not a reference to some actual event, but rather a parable. However, a somewhat similar event had really occurred during David’s reign (II Samuel 20:13-22).