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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
22:7 let the dam go. Birds and eggs were permissible for food, but God intended for the species to survive, hence the instruction to preserve the mother bird. God evidently had a purpose for each created kind of animal, and it therefore behooves us also to exert all reasonable efforts toward their preservation.
22:9 divers seeds. The practice of crop rotation is not as effective in preserving the fertility of the land as the divinely ordained practice of a seventh-year rest for the land (Exodus 23:10,11).
22:10 an ass together. “God is not the author of confusion” (I Corinthians 14:33). The commandments of Deuteronomy 22:9-12, whatever practical value they may have had, were surely primarily for the purpose of still further establishing order in all the practices of the chosen people.
22:12 make thee fringes. See Numbers 15:37-40. The fringes were intended as a daily reminder to the people to keep all of God’s commandments.
22:19 amerce. To “punish” or “fine.”
22:22 both of them die. This chapter indicates the extreme seriousness with which God regards sexual sins among His people. The penalty for adultery was execution. Execution was also punishment for the rape of an engaged women (Deuteronomy 22:25), incest (Leviticus 20:11-12), homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13) and bestiality (Leviticus 20:15-16). Modern society has become so degenerate that it has come to condone and sometimes even to commend such evils, but God still hates them.