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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
14:9 Zerah the Ethiopian. Under good king Asa, God had given Judah ten years of peace and prosperity (II Chronicles 14:l, 7). However they were then invaded by a vast Ethiopian army, possibly acting for Egypt and possibly including many nomadic Arabs (note II Chronicles 14:15).
14:10 Mareshah. Mareshah was a fortified city (II Chronicles 11:5,8), about twenty-five miles southwest of Jerusalem. Asa had moved his army south to meet Zerah before the latter could approach the capital.
14:12 the LORD smote the Ethiopians. By some providential means not described, the Lord enabled Asa’s men to rout Zerah’s horde, in answer to Asa’s prayer of deep faith in God.
14:14 Gerar. This city had been a chief city of the Philistines at one time (Genesis 20:1-2; 21:32), very near the border of Egypt.