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Monkey Ears and Wasted Years - Jan 1, 1993
/article/monkey-ears-wasted-yearsKenneth Ham - "I came in here today a committed evolutionist, but I am leaving with a firm belief in creation." I had just finished giving a lecture at a "Back to Genesis" seminar. I turned to see a man beaming, who shook my hand...
The Smartest Man in America? - Dec 1, 1992
/article/smartest-man-americaKenneth Ham - If you were asked to place a vote for the person whom you considered the smartest man in your country, for whom would you vote? Perhaps the President or Prime Minister? Maybe a leading scientist? What about a Nobel Prize winner? In an August...
Calling Little Green Men - Nov 1, 1992
/article/calling-little-green-menKenneth Ham - Pulse . . . Pulse . . . Pulse . . . Pulse . . . What could it be? It was so regular flashing at one-and-a-third seconds--keeping exact time. Nothing like this had been seen before. Jocelyn Burnell and her supervisor, Prof. Antony Hewish, were at...
Without Excuse! - Oct 1, 1992
/article/without-excuseKenneth Ham - If there is so much evidence for creation and against naturalistic evolution, why do the majority of scientists believe in evolution? Surely these scientists would become creationists if this evidence was convincing. I have been asked these...
Creation Ministry in the United Kingdom - Aug 1, 1992
/article/creation-ministry-united-kingdomKenneth Ham - Three fossilized teeth and the Big Bang were news headlines when I arrived in the United Kingdom to conduct a speaking tour of England and Scotland on behalf of the Creation Science Foundation of Australia and the Institute for Creation Research in...
Be a Berean - Jul 1, 1992
/article/be-bereanKenneth Ham - If I told you that Adam could fly like a bird and swim like a fish, how would you react? I am sure most (hopefully all) of you would think this ridiculous and not take me seriously. However, if I insisted that the Bible taught this, what would you...
Asimov Meets His Creator - Jun 1, 1992
/article/asimov-meets-his-creatorKenneth Ham - Isaac Asimov, President of the American Humanist Association, science fiction writer, ardent evolutionist, and active anti-creationist, died recently. He once had said that the human brain was "the most complex and orderly aggregation of...
Battles Behind The Scenes - May 1, 1992
/article/battles-behind-scenesKenneth Ham - The Gulf War may be over for the time being, but a far greater battle—one that has lasted some six thousand years—continues on, and those in the creation ministry are part of the army that is on the front lines. We have had many battles...
Always Be Ready - Apr 1, 1992
/article/always-be-readyKenneth Ham - I was flying back to San Diego recently, when the video being shown on the in-flight entertainment system caught my attention. An excerpt from the movie "Inherit the Wind" was featured on this flight, and presumably on numerous flights...
Revelation: Key to the Past - Mar 1, 1992
/article/revelation-key-pastKenneth Ham - "There is no way the six days of creation are meant to be taken as six literal, twenty-four hour days," stated a Christian at a recent seminar. "Why not?" I asked. "Because Adam could not have accomplished all that is...