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Has Einstein's Limit on the Speed of Light Been Broken? - Oct 5, 2011
/article/has-einsteins-limit-speed-light-beenLarry Vardiman, Ph.D. - A consortium of 174 scientists at the CERN and LNGS laboratories announced on September 23, 2011, that they had observed neutrinos traveling 0.0024 percent faster than the speed of light.1 If true, this could unravel Albert Einstein's theory...
Global Cooling Forecast - Aug 31, 2011
/article/global-cooling-forecastLarry Vardiman, Ph.D. - Introduction It was announced at the recent annual meeting of the Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society (AAS/SPD) at New Mexico State University that the next 11-year solar sunspot cycle, Cycle 25, will be greatly reduced or...
Both Argon and Helium Diffusion Rates Indicate a Young Earth - Jul 29, 2011
/article/both-argon-helium-diffusion-rates-indicateLarry Vardiman, Ph.D. - Introduction In the final report of ICR’s Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) project, Dr. Russell Humphreys reported that helium diffusion from zircons in borehole GT-2 at Fenton Hill, New Mexico, gave an age for the earth of...
A Well-Watered Land: Effects of the Genesis Flood on Precipitation in the Middle East - May 31, 2011
/article/well-watered-land-effects-genesis-floodLarry Vardiman, Ph.D. - Scripture and paleoclimatology indicate that the Middle East had more trees and grass in the past. Several theories suggest that the climate is drier today because of overgrazing, cutting of forests, or geological change. However, no one has...
Japan Earthquake Rocks the Planet - Apr 29, 2011
/article/japan-earthquake-rocks-planetLarry Vardiman, Ph.D. - Introduction The effects of the Japan earthquake of March 11, 2011, broadcasted on television made it one of the most terrifying natural events ever displayed in near real time. Several large earthquakes have occurred in recent years with...
Does Japan Earthquake Signal the End Times? - Mar 25, 2011
/article/does-japan-earthquake-signal-end-timesLarry Vardiman, Ph.D. - The effects of the Japan earthquake of March 11, 2011, broadcasted on television made it one of the most terrifying natural events ever displayed in near real time. Several large earthquakes have occurred in recent years with accompanying...
An Ice Age in Yellowstone National Park - Dec 1, 2010
/article/ice-age-yellowstone-national-parkLarry Vardiman, Ph.D. - Introduction Yellowstone National Park holds the distinction of being the first national park in the United States and in the world. It exhibits magnificent geological features such as a 30-mile-diameter volcanic caldera; myriads of geysers,...
News from the Red Planet - Sep 1, 2010
/article/news-from-red-planetLarry Vardiman, Ph.D. - According to a number of recent blogs on the Internet, on August 27, 2010, Mars made its closest approach to earth in history, coming within about 35 million miles. Some sites even predicted it would be as big and as bright as the moon. Don’t...
New Evidence for Global Cooling - Jul 1, 2010
/article/new-evidence-for-global-coolingLarry Vardiman, Ph.D. - Evidence continues to accumulate that we may have turned the corner on global warming. The earth may be entering a period of cooling. A group of solar physicists in Europe has found a strong association between solar activity and temperatures in...
Climategate: Begging the Question - May 1, 2010
/article/climategate-begging-questionLarry Vardiman, Ph.D. - One of the criticisms evolutionists often throw at young-earth creationists when they deal with origins issues is that they are begging the question--that is, that they commit a logical fallacy in which the proposition to be proved is assumed...