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Faith and Facemasks - Apr 11, 2020
/article/faith-and-facemasksLauren Pennington - The coronavirus is producing a large spectrum of reactions from people around the globe. On one end, some people are extremely careful. They follow social distancing guidelines, wash their hands until they’re raw, wear facemasks as the CDC...
Childlike Trust: God’s Antidote for a Troubled Mind - Apr 9, 2020
/article/childlike-trust-god-antidote-for-a-troubled-mindLauren Pennington - Think back to your childhood summers. For me and my sisters, those days were filled with lazy mornings, sun-kissed noses after hours in the sunshine, pretending to be mermaids in the pool before toweling off and consuming impressive amounts of...
Puppies and Pandemics - Apr 6, 2020
/article/puppies-and-pandemicsLauren Pennington - Doom and gloom fill our newsfeeds. Seemingly every hour, more grim headlines emerge. The United Nations now says that the coronavirus crisis is the "gravest threat" that humanity has faced since the second World War almost eighty years...
Mental Immunity - Apr 2, 2020
/article/mental-immunityLauren Pennington - Wash your hands. Use Lysol. Take Vitamin C. Get lots of sleep. In the midst of the coronavirus era, there's enough medical advice floating around to fill a textbook. But while most of us are busy stockpiling soap and vitamins, we seem to be...
Prison or Palace? - Mar 26, 2020
/article/prison-or-palaceLauren Pennington - All over the world, the coronavirus is changing everything at a breakneck pace. Businesses are closing, millions of people are confined to their homes, and frantic binge-buyers are placing unprecedented strain on the supply chain, causing shortages...