More Evidence for Creation
Innate Speed-of-Sound Engineering Revealed in Bats
Bats have the amazing ability to accurately and consistently detect the speed of sound.1 This enables them to employ a complex system of echolocation...
Can Asteroids Select Life?
A recent study published in Science claims that an asteroid caused new forms of plants to evolve.1-3 But can an asteroid really be responsible...
Evolution Didn't Make Top 2017 Science News
For decades, secular authors and science writers have reviewed each past year and listed the top accomplishments in the various fields of life and physical...
More Evidence from the Life Sciences
Cabin Fever, Cattle Egrets, and Pasture-land Partnerships
Nowadays, many folks experience “cabin fever,” but are banned from ordinary travel and social activities.1 However, some get out...
Opossums in the Neighborhood, Relevant to Human Health
Nowadays, many folks (including some with leashed dogs) are taking walks in their neighborhoods, keeping six feet away from other walkers who are not family...
Viruses Make Good Food For Sea Creatures
In the midst of this current coronavirus crisis, we would like to remind our readers that although we live in a fallen and corrupted creation where many...
More Man Was Created by God
Two Excuses for Human Evolution Confusion
Public school textbooks assert that apes and humans emerged from an ape-like animal, whereas Genesis 1 says that God created humans and the different animal...
Do Our Wisdom Teeth Show Poor Design?
Wisdom teeth crowd most mouths. We no longer use these teeth, so why do they take up space in the backs of our jaws?
Back in 2008, the Wall Street Journal...
Viking DNA Highlights Post-Babel Genetic Diversity
The standard theme often given for Viking history is that of blond-haired, blued-eyed, burly men exploring, trading, ransacking, and pillaging across Europe,...
More Life Sciences Resources
Innate Speed-of-Sound Engineering Revealed in Bats
Bats have the amazing ability to accurately and consistently detect the speed of sound.1 This enables them to employ a complex system of echolocation...
Honeybee Design Saves Energy
Biomimicry is the making of systems or materials that are modeled after flora or fauna found in God’s creation (e.g. the artificial fabric Velcro...
Where Did All the People Come From?
In 2011, the United Nations reported a world population of 7 billion. How long did it take for this many humans to be born? Evolutionists proclaim...
More Genetics
Embarrassment Continues over Evolutionary Blunder about.,.
Recent research from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) continues to highlight how evolutionary theory influenced...
Does 'Y-Chromosome Adam' Refute Genesis?
Secular geneticists believe that modern humans can trace their male genetic ancestry back to one man and their female genetic ancestry back to one woman.1...
More Unique Human Genes Defy Evolution Narrative
Researchers recently scanned a region of the smallest human chromosome and found three previously undiscovered families of genes that are uniquely human...
More Man Was Created Distinct from Apes
New Language Research Speaks Volumes About Creation
A major unanswered question for evolution is: why are humans the only species that can talk? Secular researchers have tried to find an answer since...
Fossil Ape Skull Is a Game Ender
A recent poll of college-age Americans showed that the single most convincing science-based argument for evolution is the lineup of supposed ape-like evolutionary...
Surprising Human Hand Bone Challenges Evolution
A hand bone found in northern Kenya surprised researchers when it surfaced in rock layers assigned a supposed age of about 1.4 million years, making...
More Creation Science Update
Bavarian Turtle Fossil Supports Marine Mixing
A new discovery of a foot-long marine turtle fossil was announced in central Bavaria, southern Germany.1 The species, dubbed Solnhofia parsoni,...
Giant Ants Buried in Receding Flood Rocks
Evolutionary scientists are baffled by a large ant fossil found in British Columbia, Canada. Known as Titanomyrma, this same ant had been found previously...
Dr. John Morris Is at Home with His Lord
A memorial service for Dr. John Morris was held to celebrate his life on Friday, March 3, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. CST at First Baptist Dallas in the old...
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The Fossils Still Say No