More The Earth Is Unique
Electrical Signaling Among Plants Via Soil Fungal Network
If you were standing in a field of tomatoes, you might be surprised to know that the soil underneath your feet is teeming with electrical signals being...
Saharan Dust Cloud Strikes United States
Recently, the southeastern United States was hit by a huge cloud of dust from the Sahara desert that drifted across the Atlantic Ocean. A second such cloud...
Secular Science Struggles to Explain Origin of Earth&rs.,.
Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jake Hebert, Ph.D.
Secular scientists continue to struggle to explain the origin of Earth’s water. And a new study...
More The Earth Was Uniquely Created
It’s Bluebonnet Season!
Now is the season—late March and April—for bluebonnets to blossom in Texas!1 Establishing these beautiful flowers is difficult,...
Secular Science Struggles to Explain Origin of Earth&rs.,.
Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jake Hebert, Ph.D.
Secular scientists continue to struggle to explain the origin of Earth’s water. And a new study...
Clock Synchronization in Plants Shows Divine Engineering
Biological systems that allow organisms to function, grow, and adapt bear the hallmarks of being exquisitely engineered. These complex systems exhibit...
More Many Earth Clocks Indicate Recent Creation
Tree Rings, Varves, and the Age of the Earth: An Update
In 2010, the BioLogos Foundation published a paper by geologists Gregg Davidson and Ken Wolgemuth (D&W) titled “Christian Geologists on Noah’s...
Children’s Tree Book Rings of Evolutionary Agenda
A new book on tree rings—Valerie Trouet’s Tree Story—blends some serious tree science with some uniformitarian mythology. The book is...
The Continued Contraction of Evolutionary Time
These are indeed exciting times to be a Bible-believing Christian! Recent secular scientific research has concluded drastically shorter time spans for...
More The Global Flood Is the Key to the Past
Hyperbaric Research and the Pre-Flood Atmosphere
Creationists have long speculated about the earth’s environment prior to the global Flood—conditions which may have contributed to the long...
Yellowstone Super-Eruptions Declining
Recently, renewed activity has had scientists, and the general public alike, alarmed about an impending supervolcano eruption at Yellowstone.1...
’Grand Canyon’ of Greenland Formed by Genes.,.
A massive canyon rivalling Grand Canyon has been discovered beneath the ice on Greenland, and uniformitarian scientists are explaining it as a consequence...
More Age of the Earth
Still Trying to Explain the Great Unconformity
A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has again tried to explain a global erosional surface known as the Great Unconformity.1...
Rapid Crystal Growth Supports Flood Model
Secular scientists are finding exactly what Flood geologists have predicted all along—huge crystals can and did grow extremely fast. In other words,...
Do Deep Ice Cores Prove an Old Earth?
Secular scientists have drilled into the thick ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica and extracted cores that run thousands of meters deep. These...
More Oceans
Protective Yet Flexible Design of Carp Scales
Recently reported research demonstrates how astonishingly helpful scales are to fish—such as the common carp (Cyprinus carpio), whose scales blend...
Complex Metabolic Process in Fish Startles Evolutionists
A complex metabolic process called Chaperone-Mediated-Autophagy (CMA) was thought to be a recent evolutionary development in land vertebrates as it was...
The Intriguing Ichthyosaur--an Evolutionary Fish Story?
The ichthyosaur, a fascinating marine reptile of the pre-Flood world, was created on Day Five of the six-day creation.
Darwinists do not know from...
More Science
Plate Beneath China Verifies Rapid Subduction
Scientists have identified a large slab of cold oceanic lithosphere1 dipping far beneath China.2 The newly imaged plate is presumably...
God’s Plan Is Best: Salmon Need Saltwater Acclimation
Once again, results are better when aquaculture imitates the natural life cycle of Atlantic salmon.1,2 In other words, the closer fish farmers...
How Octopus Tentacles Find Crab Dinners
Sever an arm from an octopus, and like an underwater zombie it’ll keep groping its surroundings. Even without a brain, its suckers still detect and...
More Geological Processes Were Catastrophic
Sudden Appearance of Flowering Plants Fit Flood Model
A new study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution has claimed that flowering plants, the most common type of plant on Earth, first appeared in small...
Deep Earthquakes Provide Insight into Global Flood
A new analysis of thousands of deep earthquakes has revealed several large structures at the base of the mantle.1 Known as ultra-low velocity...
’Grand Canyon’ of Greenland Formed by Genes.,.
A massive canyon rivalling Grand Canyon has been discovered beneath the ice on Greenland, and uniformitarian scientists are explaining it as a consequence...
More Creation Science Update
ICR Research Is Revealing Evidence for Pre-Flood Longevity
One of the claims of Scripture most ridiculed by skeptics is the Bible’s matter-of-fact assertion that ancient people once lived for hundreds...
Designed Deep-Sea Vertebrates
Creationists marvel that God has designed creatures both small and big to inhabit a variety of punishing habitats. These examples include the bacteria...
"Massively Exciting" Fossil Find
Now this is exciting: “Geologists have found the fossil of the earliest known animal predator. The 560-million-year-old specimen is the first of...
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