More Much Evidence Exists for a Worldwide Flood
Extra-biblical Flood Legends
“Creation stands or falls on the Genesis Flood,” stated a creation geologist years ago. The fact of the Flood covering all the earth is undeniable....
Plate Beneath China Verifies Rapid Subduction
Scientists have identified a large slab of cold oceanic lithosphere1 dipping far beneath China.2 The newly imaged plate is presumably...
Flood Solves Mystery of Amazon Sea
In the past 15 years, it’s been determined that a vast ocean once covered the western Amazon drainage basin.1 However, studies of the...
More Global Catastrophic Model
Destruction of Plants Fits Flood Narrative
A recent study has found that the destruction of plants preceded the destruction of many forms of animal life in the rock record.1 This is exactly...
Diamond Research Points to a Recent Formation
Most diamonds are formed at depths of 150 or so miles. Deep diamonds, however, formed at depths of over 400 miles. The discovery of a new cache of deep...
Rapid Rifting in Ethiopia Challenges Evolutionary Model
Volcanic activity in 2005 accompanied the formation of a deep, wide rift in Ethiopia on part of the 4,000-mile-long north-to-south trending Great Rift...
More Back to Genesis
Bucket Orchids and Bees, a Codependent Design
Flowers hold a fascination for most people. They have at least a threefold purpose: First for attracting animals (e.g., insects, birds, and mammals)...
Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Shenanigans
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.*
Complex Cretaceous-Paleogene clay layer (gray) in the Geulhemmergroeve...
An Ocean of Viruses
A virus is a very tiny structure that, in its simplest definition, is some nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA) packed inside a protein coat. Viruses can’t...