More Contrasting Worldviews
Different Interpretations of Same Data Is Routine
Are people growing weary of scientific experts giving them contradictory instructions for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic? It seems that there may be...
How Algae Do Fine When Tossed at Sea
How would you do if someone spun you around every few seconds all day long? Marine algae repeatedly get tossed about in coastal surf, and they cope quite...
Picture Perfect: A Youthful Saturn
This summer, the Hubble Space Telescope took a brilliant new photograph of Saturn and its rings.1 Saturn’s moons Mimas and Enceladus can...
More Government and Politics
Norwegians Find Viking Grave Under House Floor
In America we have the idiomatic expression “skeletons in the closet,” but what about finding a 1,000-year-old Viking grave, literally buried...
Scottish Population Movements and the Genesis Mandate
Some lands welcome newcomers, while others oppose incoming foreigners. Scotland is no exception—and recent population news can be compared to prior...
Birdwatching Through the Internet
As ICR previously reported, more Americans are enjoying birdwatching as other recreational opportunities are reduced by pandemic politics.1...
More Science in the News
Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases: Good and Bad News
New testing kits provide a rapid and fairly accurate method of assessing coronavirus infection. In one new study using these kits, the results are revealing...
Lonely? Love Your Neighbor
Right now, due to social distancing, we’re experiencing a level of isolation that most of us have never experienced in our lives.
Even many self-professed...
Finding Comfort in Total Authority
In the late afternoon on April 13, the White House Coronavirus Task Force updated the nation regarding the federal government’s plan for stifling...
More Science in the News
Leading Through Sacrifice
The term “sacrifice” is often tossed around without giving genuine thought to what it really means.
Is it really a sacrifice to give up...
God, Bacteria, and Viruses
People will often ask, "Why would a good and perfect God allow bad things to happen?" This question seems all the more relevant today as all...
Preventing COVID-19
Here are some quick tips from ICR’s Dr. Randy Guliuzza on what we all can do to prevent COVID-19 from infecting our families and coworkers.