More The Foundation of Science Is Absolute Truth
Exploring the Limitations of the Scientific Method
In this day of iPods, cell phones, the Internet, and other fruits of modern science and technology, most people have at least a passing awareness of...
The Evidence of Nothing
Evaluating evidence is a key component in the search for truth, not only in science but in other areas of life. The ability to identify supporting facts...
Do Creationists Believe In Natural Law?
Years ago, students were taught that the definition of science is "the search for truth." But things seldom stay the same. In recent years,...
More Environment and Ecology
Jellyfish Serves Variety of Venoms in Stinging Cocktail
Chinese researchers recently reported on venomous toxins of the giant jellyfish. They revealed that this aquatic creature mixes a “cocktail”...
Great American Outdoors Act, Signed into Law by President
In a bipartisan legislative achievement to promote better stewardship of American public lands, U.S. Senators and Representatives finalized their bill...
Glow-in-the-Dark Creatures Show Off on Warm July Nights
In America, the month of July is accompanied by fireworks, even in the heavens.1 However, July is also a time when certain glow-in-the-dark...
More Creation Q&A
Why Do I Believe in Recent Creation?
A student recently asked what I believe about the age of the earth. I replied that at one time I felt absolutely certain that the world was billions...
Why Don't Poison Dart Frogs Poison Themselves?
Found in Central and South America, the poison dart frog uses its skin toxin for defense and its bright colors as a warning. Each tiny amphibian holds...
Is Genesis 1–11 Actual History?
The early chapters of Genesis contradict ancient history as portrayed in public schools, television, and movies. For example, our culture insists humans...
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