More Evidence for Creation
From Big to Small, God Made It All
Our universe is unbelievably immense. Can you count the stars in the heavens or the grains of sand on the beach? Mr. Sherwin directs our eyes to...
Bacterial Proteins Use Quantum Mechanics
Researchers have found a dimmer switch inside a protein. It tunes the protein’s configuration to take advantage of quantum mechanics during photosynthesis....
Scientific Evidence for Divine Design [Podcast]
Geology, astronomy, and biology all point to a divine Designer. ICR zoologist and researcher Frank Sherwin examines the evidence in this 5-part podcast...
More Five Reasons to Believe in Recent Creation
God’s Character Absolutely Forbids Evolutionary M.,.
God’s holiness demands that His creation should not distort anything about Him or about the creation itself. God could not create processes...
There Is No Evidence Evolution Took Place in the Past
Historical science observes clues in the present that may be applied to a possible cause in the past. Evolutionists claim that fish evolved into...
Five Reasons to Believe in Recent Creation [Podcast]
Should we read the Genesis creation account as literal and inspired history, or is it simply a symbolic framework that should be adapted to the most...
More Radio Program
Manganese Nodules and the Age of the Ocean
Many secular scientists extrapolate current seafloor sediment deposit rates. They then publish Earth age assignments of millions of years. Are...
Solar Eclipse and the Created Sun
Solar eclipses are astonishing sights. These astronomical events—and even the sun itself—reveal a lot about creation and our Creator....
Full-Bible Christian
The latest polls reveal a disturbing trend. Younger generations are less likely to believe that humans descended from the first man, Adam, only...
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