Dr. Jake Hebert and Dr. Frank Sherwin will be speaking at Grand View Baptist Church in Beavercreek, OR. For the morning worship service Dr. Sherwin will speak on "Scientific Evidences for Creation." In this presentation he explains how the case for creation is rooted in what Paul teaches in Romans 1 that God’s work and attributes are “clearly seen.” Dr. Sherwin describes the tools needed to discern objects that have been made (created) vs. objects that form over time through chance and natural processes. He then provides convincing evidence for creation from the microscopic world (bacteria and molecular machines and the macroscopic world (animals like the bat and woodpecker).

For the combined Sunday School, Dr. Hebert will speak on "Global Warming and the Christian." Dr. Hebert presents five reasons Christians should not panic over the global warming issue. Both his Ph.D. research and recent ICR seafloor sediment/Ice Age studies are relevant to this hot topic. For the evening worship service, Dr. Hebert will speak on "Our Young Universe" and give the audience a virtual tour of our solar system and beyond! This presentation includes spectacular images of celestial bodies in our “local” celestial neighborhood. Learn how well-known objects in our own solar system present problems for the evolutionary theory but confirm recent creation.

Date: Oct 10, 2021

8:30 a.m. – Morning Worship Service – “Scientific Evidences for Creation” – Dr. Frank Sherwin

10:00 a.m. – Combined Sunday School – “Global Warming and the Christian” – Dr. Jake Hebert

11:00 a.m. – Morning Worship Service – “Scientific Evidences for Creation” – Dr. Frank Sherwin

5:00 p.m. – Evening Worship Service – “Our Young Universe” – Dr. Jake Hebert

Grand View Baptist Church
14855 S. Leland Rd.
Beavercreek, OR 97004

For more information, please call 214.615.8333 or email events@icr.org.

Map and Directions