More Problems with Evolution
Human Brain Research Finds New Folds
Brain researchers from San Diego State University have just reported digitally capturing the dense folds of a preserved human cerebellum using a high resolution...
Surveillance Tracing: Red Pandas in Himalayan Nepal
It’s tough to be a red panda in this fallen world, especially after the global Flood.
Conservationists are satellite tracking red pandas in...
Belugas Select Friends Who Aren’t Close Kin
Beluga whales don’t select their friends according to what Darwinists would expect, a new Florida Atlantic University study shows.1,2...
More Genetics
More Unique Human Genes Defy Evolution Narrative
Researchers recently scanned a region of the smallest human chromosome and found three previously undiscovered families of genes that are uniquely human...
Complex Metabolic Process in Fish Startles Evolutionists
A complex metabolic process called Chaperone-Mediated-Autophagy (CMA) was thought to be a recent evolutionary development in land vertebrates as it was...
Mutation Rates Debunk Human Evolution Story
According to the evolutionary story, humans evolved from an unidentified ape-like ancestor over two million years ago. But this story doesn’t...
More Zoology
Spinosaurus Swam! How a Swimming Spinosaurus Fits Scripture
Spinosaurus aegyptiacus had a longer body than the enormous T. rex. In Nature journal, researchers published a new reconstruction of the extinct reptile’s...
Surveillance Tracing: Red Pandas in Himalayan Nepal
It’s tough to be a red panda in this fallen world, especially after the global Flood.
Conservationists are satellite tracking red pandas in...
First Land Bug Buried in the Flood
The Scottish island of Kerrera has produced the earliest known bug in the fossil record, a millipede.1 It was found in Silurian System rocks...
More Contrasting Worldviews
Hyperbaric Research and the Pre-Flood Atmosphere
Creationists have long speculated about the earth’s environment prior to the global Flood—conditions which may have contributed to the long...
Two-Volume Series: Restoring the Truth about Origins
The subject of origins continues to attract interest from the public and the scientific establishment. Understanding our origins informs us of who we are...
Hot Neptune Atmosphere "Shouldn't Exist"
An exoplanet 260 light-years away is being described as the first of its kind ever detected.1,2 This exoplanet, catalogued as LTT 9779b, is...
More Science
Glow-in-the-Dark Creatures Show Off on Warm July Nights
In America, the month of July is accompanied by fireworks, even in the heavens.1 However, July is also a time when certain glow-in-the-dark...
Cuckoo Completes Mammoth 7,500-Mile Migration
One particular common cuckoo will soon complete a mammoth migration through both Africa and Asia—a migration that is anything but common.
Evolutionists Struggle to Explain Canadian-Australian C.,.
A new species of a split-footed lacewing was recently unearthed in British Columbia, Canada, creating a bit of controversy among secular paleontologists.1...
More God's Design Is an Engineering Wonder
Electrical Signaling Among Plants Via Soil Fungal Network
If you were standing in a field of tomatoes, you might be surprised to know that the soil underneath your feet is teeming with electrical signals being...
Soft Dinosaur Eggs Deflate Bird-Dinosaur Evolution
A pair of new studies found that some dinosaurs, and possibly some marine reptiles, laid squishy eggs. One study discovered that many dinosaurs, like turtles...
Ghost Crabs Growl by Gnashing their Gut Teeth!
A recent science news video shows barium-marked fluoroscopy of a ghost crab’s gut teeth in action. The video reveals how that species of crab can...
More Living Creatures Were Clearly Designed
Human Brain Research Finds New Folds
Brain researchers from San Diego State University have just reported digitally capturing the dense folds of a preserved human cerebellum using a high resolution...
Birdwatching Through the Internet
As ICR previously reported, more Americans are enjoying birdwatching as other recreational opportunities are reduced by pandemic politics.1...
Fish Body Design Reveals Optimized Swimming Mechanics
Engineering-minded scientists have taken notice that many types of fish have bodies shaped like a low-drag airfoil that are characteristic of airplane...
More Origin of Life
Humans and Neanderthals More Similar Than Polar and Bro.,.
A study led by Oxford University researchers was recently published confirming that Neanderthals and humans were very genetically similar and interfertile....
Was a Fossil "Fish-Hand" Discovered?
In order for the bizarre theory of evolution to be validated, evolutionists must show how inorganic non-life organized itself into carbon-based (organic)...
Origin of Cells Study Uses Bad Science
Animal and plant cell DNA is so complicated that all the cellular machines that process, regulate, and manipulate it are constantly in need of cellular...
More Creation Science Update
Eight-Armed Anomaly
Octopi are incredible and intelligent creatures—they are mesmerizing to observe and study. Some of octopi’s interesting features include...
September 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"If you walk in My statutes and keep
My commandments, and perform them,
then I will give you rain in its season,
the land shall yield its produce,
Is the Earth Round?
Some readers might think the answer to this question is so obvious that maybe we’re offering it as a kind of joke—but it’s no joke....
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