True Science Is Creation Science | The Institute for Creation Research

True Science Is Creation Science

Modern secular scientists have gained a reputation as aggressively standing against God and Christianity. In many cases this reputation is justified, as has been documented frequently on these pages. However, while many scientists may be anti-God, science itself is not. All true science is creation science. Articles in this and previous issues of Acts & Facts show that the majority of science's founding fathers were Christians and creationists. One would be hard-pressed to find a single scientific breakthrough that required evolution.

Many good scientists believe in evolution, and many important discoveries have been made by evolutionists. To do so they utilized the principles of good science, but they didn't use evolution. They may have given an evolutionary interpretation and application of their observations, but careful observation of the way things are in the present and well-grounded deduction of the way they operated in the past can be done by any good scientist. Religious speculations about the unseen past, such as evolution, don't enter into it.

The gathering together of good research scientists has been a priority at ICR, and some of their discoveries--like those made during the RATE research project--have been stunning. How do they do it? With such a small contingent of colleagues and a small budget, it would seem impossible by the world's standards. What is their secret?

The profile of the ICR scientist flows down a common path. Each scientist distinguished himself or herself as a productive professional with impeccable credentials before entering ICR's employ. They brought many useful skills and experiences when they came, each with a different story. Some came through the secular university route, while others came from research backgrounds.

But the main thing they brought was an individual commitment to the scriptural worldview and a vibrant walk with God. Each one studies Scripture in his or her personal life, and times together with them will just as often be punctuated with a biblical discussion as a scientific topic. Their secular peers may think this an impediment, but it is truly not so. A scriptural mindset allows them to think creatively--outside the box, as it were. Furthermore, it affords them access to the omniscient Spirit of the Creator, who intimately knows how things originated. This is not to claim they are infallible, but at least they're in the right ballpark. They don't deny truth before they start, as do evolution proponents. Yet scientific honesty restrains them from going too far afield. These are biblically-minded scientists, approaching their scientific fields as knowledgeable biblicists.

Is this not how it should be? They stand on the shoulders of the great creation scientists of the past, thus looking farther and seeing more clearly than they. It is a blessing and a privilege to work with these Scripture-motivated scientists, and to count them as friends. They are an inspiration to me and the many others whom they touch.

Thank you for your prayers and support for this ministry. Even more exploration of His world in submission to His Word awaits us, and we look forward to sharing our results with you.

* Dr. Morris is President of the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Morris, J. 2008. True Science Is Creation Science. Acts & Facts. 37 (4): 3.

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