by Timothy L. Clarey, Ph.D., and Davis J. Werner
In Journal of Creation 33 (3): 8-11, December 2019
Repeated claims since the mid-1990s have been made by some creation scientists that the K-Pg (Cretaceous-Paleogene) boundary marks the end of the Flood and the end of marine deposition across the continents. Furthermore, they claim that the massive volumes of post–K-Pg sediments observed globally are the result of post-Flood local catastrophes. In contrast, other creation scientists have contended that the K-Pg was not the end of the Flood and that Flood processes continued through much of the Cenozoic section. While acknowledging that the K-Pg boundary may have been the high water point of the Flood, they interpret much of the Cenozoic strata as the receding phase.
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