Lights Around the World | The Institute for Creation Research

Lights Around the World

I’d like to introduce you to one of the Institute for Creation Research’s leaders—Dan Farell fills an important position of influence as an ICR board member. He oversees the decision-making for ICR’s direction and management with a team of other Christian leaders who are committed to sharing God’s truths about creation with the world. We are so fortunate to work with him and the other board members at the helm of ICR.

Dan says, “You may know men and women in business whose witness is much like these five [examples of Christian business leaders]—the Lord has sprinkled these lights across the country. Christians in business…contributed to its ethical and moral underpinnings.” His words are a call to those of us who have put our faith in Jesus Christ to be a witness in our own spheres, wherever they may be.

You may not run a business or manage a megafirm, but God has placed you uniquely where you are to touch the lives within your circle. God has given you a place of influence—you are one of these lights not only across the country but around the world.

You may not run a business or manage a megafirm, but God has placed you uniquely where you are to touch the lives within your circle. Tweet: You may not run a business or manage a megafirm, but God has placed you uniquely where you are to touch the lives within your circle.

Lights Around the World:

@icrscience @jaymedurant

What are you doing with that opportunity? Your sphere of influence may include your home, church, school, and community as well as your coworkers. God has specially gifted and prepared you to impact those He brings to you, and you are His witness to them.

I think about the early followers of Christ who reached out to those around them. Peter, who went to get his brothers. The men who lowered their paralyzed friend through a roof to bring him to Jesus. The Samaritan woman at the well, who left her water pots to tell the people of her town about her encounter with the Messiah. These believers could not stop talking about what they had seen and heard (Acts 4:20).

At ICR, we see and hear a lot about God’s wonders in creation. Our scientists are immersed in discovering new details about many areas of science, and we all marvel at God’s truth woven throughout each find. And then, each of us gets to go out and tell others about these discoveries.

You’ll be amazed at what zoologist Frank Sherwin shares in his article about the eye (“The Designed Interface of the Eye’s Microbiome”). He sheds light on God’s design in the human body. Dr. Randy Guliuzza, a medical doctor and professional engineer who served in the Air Force, travels the United States as ICR’s National Representative. He has a big stretch of the country to light up—his world is made up of doctors, engineers, military personnel, church members, and people who sit next to him on planes. His article “Designed Mechanisms Best Explain Convergent Traits” demonstrates how God has ingeniously programmed creatures to adapt to changing environments. Geneticist Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins addresses a common question about evolution and adaptation—are they the same? He reminds us that the “facts of science clearly point to the wonderful engineering of an all-powerful Creator.”

Each day is an opportunity to shine your light for Christ. Tweet: Each day is an opportunity to shine your light for Christ.

Lights Around the World:

@icrscience @jaymedurant

Whether you are a scientist or a businessperson or a mom volunteering your time at church, you have a position of influence. Each day is an opportunity to shine your light for Christ.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2018. Lights Around the World. Acts & Facts. 47 (5).

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