Dr. Henry M. Morris III Joins ICR Staff | The Institute for Creation Research

Dr. Henry M. Morris III Joins ICR Staff

Some good ideas take a while to come to fruition. They must wait until the time is just right. That's the way it is with this announcement. My brother, Dr. Henry M. Morris III, has accepted a full-time position as Executive Vice President for Strategic Ministries.

Henry Morris III

The addition of "Dr. Henry" shouldn't be too surprising. He is an exceptionally well-qualified individual, with a D.Min. from Luther Rice Seminary and rewarding experiences as both a pastor and professor of apologetics. A gifted speaker, he has spoken at many ICR seminars through the years and authored numerous Acts & Facts and Days of Praise articles, as well as several books. His resume also includes upper-level experience in the business world, including CFO of a large computer firm, and an M.B.A. degree from Pepperdine University. ICR has benefited numerous times from his expertise. Throughout his career in business he has retained a desire to be back in "full-time service" for the Lord.

I have been reluctant to consider him for ICR, since ICR is not a "family" business. But now the time seems right.

In between assignments, it's a good time for him to leave the business world, and ICR needs someone who can articulate the creation message with clarity and passion right now.

Over 30 years old now, ICR has matured in many ways. God has always supplied each need, month by month, as individuals respond to Acts & Facts. But major research projects and creation advances necessitate foundation grants and large gifts to underwrite them. I am prayerful and confident that present activity will continue with current giving, but the big projects make the need for a financially knowledgeable man like Henry quite real, in order to usher these projects to completion.

Thus, the time is right. But we still need your assistance. Access to foundations and large donors usually requires some personal connection. Can you help? Can you initiate contacts with influential people on our behalf? We can supply you with detailed information on research projects, endowed chairs, major plans, etc. Together, we can keep ICR on the path of continued victory. The time is right!

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2001. Dr. Henry M. Morris III Joins ICR Staff. Acts & Facts. 30 (7).

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