Communicating Creation | The Institute for Creation Research

Communicating Creation

Methods by which we can best communicate creation truth continually occupy our thoughts. God has given us a strong body of evidence for creation and the desire to see it impact our lives, churches, and culture. But how to best do so? Should we limit our efforts to universities? Or layman presentations in churches? Or children's workshops? In general, we have decided to do them all, as God provides opportunity. Recognizing that ICR's unique contribution is in scientific research and scholarly debate, and that among creation groups we are best equipped to do this necessary work, we emphasize it, without neglecting the other more popular work.

One very effective method of reaching millions is through mass media. Over the years ICR has had numerous media appearances (some more pleasant than others), and through them all, the word of creation has spread far and wide. Even in hostile interviews, of which there have been many, listeners are made aware that there is another side to the origins issue, and there are many credentialed scientists who hold the scientific evidence for creation far exceeds that which supports evolution. Thus the ranks of creationists swell. Here are some media examples within just the last few weeks.

Last winter BBC in Britain conducted a number of interviews with ICR scientists and ran them on both radio and TV. This generated great interest in the subject of creation, resulting in lengthy coverage. As reported in last month's Acts & Facts, but just completed as this was going to press, they interviewed ICR's Dr. Henry Morris III and several evolutionists on the rim of Grand Canyon. It provided a wonderful opportunity for Dr. Morris to contrast the two views and show creation's superiority.

The recent National Radio Broadcasters convention in Orlando saw several representatives of ICR attend and showcase the ICR radio programs. During the exposition at the booth they acquainted Christian station operators with "Science, Scripture, & Salvation," the weekly 15 minute broadcast; "Back to Genesis," the one minute daily; and "De Regresso a Génesis," its Spanish version. These programs enjoy wide coverage on hundreds of stations worldwide, yet numerous stations showed interest in adding them to their station programming.

We must keep in mind that the creation/evolution controversy is not just a scientific issue. We feel the scientific evidence strongly favors creation, but the information is to a great extent censored out of the public arena and certainly out of public education. Yet creation thinking is important, relevant to every area of life and society, thus the urgent need to get the word out by any means possible. The issue unfortunately becomes one of propaganda containment and dispersal. Who will reach the impressionable public, especially students?

I can promise you, as long as I am president of ICR we will continue to accept every possible occasion to communicate creation truth. We dare not let any opportunity pass.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2007. Communicating Creation. Acts & Facts. 36 (5).

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