Celebrating 30 Years Of God's Faithfulness | The Institute for Creation Research

Celebrating 30 Years Of God's Faithfulness

New Building Loyal supporters of creation evangelism, over 500 strong, gathered at ICR on October 29 to recognize ICR's 30th anniversary and dedicate ICR's new research laboratory building. A thrilling time of remembrance, dreaming, and challenge was coupled with hearty singing and sweet fellowship to honor the Lord for His mighty acts on ICR's behalf.

Nearly all of the staff and faculty were present, as were many of ICR's key friends and supporters for the joyous occasion. It all began as Dr. Duane Gish, after a few opening remarks, led the assembly in a rousing rendition of the favorite hymn, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, setting the stage for a rehearsal of our Lord's wonderful faithfulness. Dr. J. Morris

This was followed as ICR's founder and President Emeritus, Dr. Henry Morris, cited major milestones in ICR's history, including numerous books and videos produced, important lectures, seminars, and debates, the radio ministry, and of course, the graduate school and the significant research which it has fostered. Truly, "This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes" (Psalms 118: 23).

Dr. H. MorrisICR's current president, Dr. John Morris, continued with a look at the future, first speculating on the expected uses of the new building, noting that it contains much room for ministry growth and expansion. He listed some of the research gains anticipated from current and proposed projects. He dreamed of an ability to minister to Christians and seekers world-wide, especially in former Soviet countries, through distance education. He revealed plans for an expanded museum, and more effective ways to communicate creation truth. He asked for prayer that ICR's leadership would exercise wisdom in prioritizing projects, for faculty additions, for research breakthroughs, and for God's continued financial provision. Much remains to be done, and by His grace, it will be done!

Thirty years ago ICR was the research branch of Christian Heritage College, founded by Drs. Tim LaHaye, Henry Morris, and Art Peters. Thus it was a special blessing as Dr. LaHaye addressed the assembled supporters, encouraged them with his certainty that our Creator/Savior is returning soon, and challenged ICR to continue their important work until He comes. He concluded with a moving petition for God's blessing on the new buildings, dedicating it to His service. Drs. Gish & Vardiman

Dr. LaHayeAll in attendance were able to tour both the new and existing building, visit the creation museum, talk with the scientists about their research, get their books autographed, and enjoy the special fellowship of like-minded saints. A video "souvenir" of the program, complete with clips of the building through- out construction has been prepared. It captures the thankful tone of the day and the expectant dependence on the Lord for the future. Although not broadcast quality, it will be an encouragement to many. If you would like one, simply write ICR. We will be glad to send you one for free

The entire staff and faculty of ICR wish to express their gratefulness for the tens of thousands of friends and supporters who joined us in spirit and prayers for this special day of celebration and anticipation.


Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2000. Celebrating 30 Years Of God's Faithfulness. Acts & Facts. 29 (12).

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