BTG and DRG Radio Broadcasts | The Institute for Creation Research

BTG and DRG Radio Broadcasts

Many divisions and ministries make up ICR, each accomplishing a particular purpose or ministering to a certain segment of society. None is more remarkable or unexpected than the Spanish version of our one-minute radio broadcast, "Back to Genesis." I think you'll be encouraged as you learn how it's produced.

"Back to Genesis" started in 1987 with broadcasts shared by Ken Ham and me. I took it over in 1994 when Ken left ICR to start Answers in Genesis. Each year the number of outlets has grown until now we broadcast "BTG" on over 600 stations worldwide, many airing it multiple times throughout the day, all at no cost to ICR. Truly God has blessed in ways we never planned.

After several years of broadcasting, we began to hear from Spanish radio stations, pleading for a Spanish version of "BTG." Dolly Martin, with the KHCB Radio Network in Houston, volunteered to voice the broadcast; and Elia María Knapp, also with KHCB, came on to translate the program scripts into Spanish.

Many stations soon began carrying "De Regreso a Génesis" all through the Americas, the Caribbean, and Spain, and was well-received. Evidently the program was filling a real void among those who had little other creationist input. John Pendleton, an American missionary in Mexico, offered to answer inquiries that came in and supply printed Spanish materials through his Spanish website.

After ten faithful years of volunteer service, our Spanish announcer, Dolly Martin, stepped down and a serious search for her replacement commenced. Much to our surprise, numerous applications were received for this non-paid position, none more interesting than Luis Enrique Sánchez, pastor of Vida Nueva Evangelical Free Church in San Diego. He possesses a resonant radio voice that commands attention and a heart for the ministry that is a blessing. But Pastor Sánchez is also totally blind. Could he do the job? Yes, and with excellence, but not without challenge.

Here's how it is done. First, I prepare and edit the "BTG" broadcasts. Next, the written scripts are sent to Mrs. Knapp for translation. In translating to Spanish, the sixty-second English scripts become ninety seconds long and are then forwarded to Pastor Sánchez, who uses computer software to convert the Spanish scripts into Braille. Finally, the "DRG" radio programs are ready for him to record. Once recorded, the programs are edited and produced for a final review by two bilingual members of ICR's staff, Mrs. Sue Sisco and Mr. Donald Flanagan, until production is complete. Any adjustments are made as needed and the master is sent off for replication. Lastly, "De Regreso a Génesis" CD's are distributed to Christian radio stations worldwide.

Each session is bathed in prayer at every stage, and God answers. And so the message of creation goes out into places to which it never before had access, and lives are changed. Thank you for your prayers, and thank you especially Elia María Knapp and Pastor Sánchez for your sacrificial work.

* Dr. Morris is President of the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Morris, J. 2005. BTG and DRG Radio Broadcasts. Acts & Facts. 34 (4).

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