Be the One to Make a Difference | The Institute for Creation Research

Be the One to Make a Difference

When new acquaintances ask me what I do and I tell them I’m the Communications Director for the Institute for Creation Research—ICR—I get a variety of responses. “And what exactly is that?” is the most common follow-up question. Some politely smile and say, “Is that the organization that did a big book on the Flood?” Others squint and nod slowly with recognition, saying “Oh yeah—are you associated with that group that [the Hollywood actor who jumps on couches] is a part of?”

It surprises me that ICR has been around for over 40 years and most of the general public still don’t know who we are or what we do.

At a recent ICR conference, I sat next to a college student who had been in church her whole life and still felt confused about creation—her college biology and astronomy professors made convincing arguments for millions of years of evolution. While she believed the Bible, she thought maybe God used evolution to create the world. I saw her several times throughout the event, and on the last day she grabbed as many books and DVDs as she could carry from our resource tables. ICR presenters had finally convinced her that God created the universe in a literal six-day time period, and she wanted to equip herself to talk to others about creation.

Doesn’t it make you wonder—how was she raised in an evangelical church and yet still had doubts about a recent creation? How did she sit through sermon after sermon and not know what the Bible taught? Did her church not teach biblical creation or was her early secular school education too convincing?

ICR’s challenge is to reach this generation with God’s truth about creation. We realize that it’s not really all that important if folks don’t know who we are, but it becomes a huge problem when even faithful churchgoers don’t understand creation. How do we as believers get the message out?

Dr. Henry M. Morris III says in this month’s feature article, “If we are to accomplish anything of eternal value, we must be using ‘two hands’ at all times” (“Both Hands,” page 7). He makes the point that we need to work and wield the sword at the same time—both hands must be busy serving and defending ministry.

We’re looking for ways to make your mission as a Christian easier by providing information that equips you to share God’s creation truths with others. Henry Morris IV talks about our latest efforts in “An Evening at ICR,” (pages 20-21). We’ve spent the past year developing a 12-part DVD creation series, Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis, an invaluable creation science resource for seekers, churchgoers, and even skeptics. We’re asking you—our ICR family—to become a part of our efforts to reach others. Please share what you know, point others to our website and resources, invite friends and family to events, “like us” on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (@ICRscience), and tell others about our newest DVD project. Go to to learn more about this upcoming series.

January is a good time to evaluate where you’ve been and where you want to go to choose to make a difference. As Dr. Morris says—use both hands. Work for the Kingdom while you defend the faith. Partner with ICR and become an advocate for creation ministry. It’s fun when others say to me, “Sure, I know who you are—you all are the dinosaur people!” But there’s so much more to know about God’s amazing creation! Tell a friend…and another and another. Tell your pastor and tell your coworkers. Be the one to speak up. Be the one to make a difference in this generation.

* Jayme Durant is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2014. Be the One to Make a Difference. Acts & Facts. 43 (1).

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