50 Years Ago | The Institute for Creation Research

50 Years Ago

Hailed in 1953 as "the most important zoological discovery of this century," a rather strange looking fish had been caught off the coast of Madagascar. This five-foot, 100-pound creature had been missing for 75 million years! Evolutionary scientists had used the fossil remains of Coelacanth as evidence for the evolution of fish to amphibians, and were, needless to say, somewhat surprised to find this "extinct" animal alive and well in the Indian Ocean.

This illustrates a foundational reason for ICR's continued ministry. The evolutionary system of thinking is often surprised when truth is exposed and blinds even the keenest minds to truth.

Scientific American had a feature article (February 2003) on the evolution of computer software. The opening statement was: "Evolution is an immensely powerful creative process. . . . [it] achieves these feats with a few simple processes—mutation, sexual recombination and natural selection. . . ." Several pages were then devoted to show how computer engineers (who were equated with evolution's "design" capability) are setting up software "primordial ooze" to "create" new programs and integrated circuitry. Although the article was replete with the design features and praise for the intellect of the engineers, the overall thrust was to show how "evolution" (the blind, mutating, recombining, naturally selecting process) was "creating" new and better designs!

The creation issue is not just a Genesis thing. Although it is certainly critical that Christians be brought back to a confidence in the Genesis record, it is equally critical that we be "ready always to give an answer to every man . . . a reason of the hope that is in you" (I Peter 3:15).

Please help us combat the evolutionary "thinking" that shuts out the liberating truth (John 8:32) of the Creator. Perhaps you could help us become a part of your church's mission budget. Let us know how we can make application to your board, commission, or committee. We would be delighted to respond to inquiries or to make a personal presentation to those responsible. The work is great and complex. We need your co-labor to continue.

Cite this article: Henry M. Morris III, D.Min. 2003. 50 Years Ago. Acts & Facts. 32 (4).

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