ICR is becoming increasingly favored with gifts given in memory of a loved one or friend. We are, of course, grateful for these gifts, as we are for all gifts that the Lord directs toward us.
You may ask why one would make a gift of this type. Let me explain. Memorial gifts are frequently made in lieu of flowers or other perishable gifts because of the large number of flower arrangements anticipated at a funeral, the interest held by the deceased in the work of ICR, or the belief by a surviving family member or friend that a gift of lasting value is more appropriate.
Should the Lord bring ICR to your mind at a time when a memorial gift would be appropriate, you can help us minister to the surviving family more effectively by informing us of the following:
- The name of the deceased.
- His/her relationship to you.
- The name and address of the surviving family whom you wish notified of your gift (the amount given will not be men tioned unless you request otherwise).
- The relationship of the deceased to the family member(s) you wish us to notify.
- Your name and address.
It will be our pleasure to send the family a letter of encouragement and testimony that focuses their attention on God's abiding love and promised comfort and strength. We will, of course, send you a copy of that letter, along with our thanks and a tax-deductible receipt for your gift.
As you have questions on this or other gifting/stewardship matters, please know that I am here to serve you. I invite your call or letter or e-mail.